Nesu and the Sky Pirates Chapter 1 "In The Beginning"

Nesu and the Sky Pirates Chapter 1 "In The Beginning" In the beginning two species rose from the dirt of the earth. Both alike in appearance and personality but different in strength. The humans and the immortals. Humans, blessed with their skill...

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Enigmas for Thought

"engineers are jerks," lacy said with a chuckle, getting a quick nod from joseph.

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College day's pt1

The rabbit sighed with an almost ominous tone, "guess i havent had the heart to let my childhood die", albine looked at lacy and smiled that warm inviting smile, "you always were a kid at heart lacy".

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golden Marriage part 2

lacy looking confused said "oh no its not me you should be thanking tod set the whole thing up for you as a gift". looking at her with a dirty smile lacy said "he has a very unique gift for you you should go ask him for it".

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Wings of the Warrior: 2

He picked it up and looked at who was calling: lacy, his best friend. "hello, lacy." "oh. i didn't know sam got a new girlfriend. can you put him on?" "lacy. it's me, sam. a lot has happened in the past week."

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A New Companion, Ch2

Jim was still smiling on his way out to the car though, "you know dylia, that is actually lacy's twin sister." "lacy? who's that?" she had an idea but wasn't about to make assumptions. "lacy? she's the crazy waitress at tony's.

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Rej & Bastion 04: Float On

I assume lacy will want us to go too. since we're bastion's parents... we might be able to relate to them. it might be safer too." joe speaks reclining back and stretching.

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Pet Sketch

He remained on the lacy purple dog bed as he knew there was no way to escape. he was naked except for the pink collar around his neck, but he knew also that that would soon change.

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I'm Sexy and you know it~

There was a mannequin with a very lacy set of lingerie on it. black floral pattern on a dark crimson, draping down underneath it was a soft see through mesh, with a pair of matching panties! the woman stared at it for what felt like an eternity.


College day's pt2

Thoughts of what lacy had said earlier continued to swim in his mind. it didnt help any when dr. gate's called out his name, "mr. sen...", he tapped his foot impatiently before sen realized what was going on. "oh...yes mr. gate's?."

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Doll Factory

The technician was a tall black bear dressed in a suit and tie, a stark contrast to andlat's pink shorts and matching tank top, the lacy waistband of his panties framing the bottom of his bare midriff. "welcome to apex recreational." "why are we here?"

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Gumiho: Our Life Has Just Begun (2)

What had seemed to be a skirt and panties changed, first losing their fabric tint--from white and plaid to natural tones of greens and browns, then changing in texture, roughening and loosening, becoming thinner and lighter, frills changing from lacy

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