Of Ice and Earth

Shaking his head, the icewing looked down at his talon to see it trembling. he was disgusted with himself. here he was, the ex-prince of the icewings, hung up over a nightwing female.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 26: Omelet

The mudwing nudged the icewing dragonet and the icewing blinked open its eyes. the mudwing gave it an affectionate nuzzle, and the icewing chirruped back batting away the mudwing playfully.

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WoF Galaxy

: wirdy (broers) gostly name reason: he is black with white age: 7 gender: male pronouns: ga.la.xy tribe: gardianwing rank: 4 heritage: \_\_% icewing/seawing/nightwing/rainwing/skywing/sandwing/mudwing/waterwing/firewing

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Cyanide of Riddance chapter 7.

(ellie is my new character for the story, along with azazel and kenyan the icewing.) "tomorrow, i need you to run downtown and pick up a new pair of gun powder," count havoc said. "yes, honey," lioness replied.

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Journeys of Time 9

Kichiro the magmawing © (c) me and https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ tenchi © https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ (co-author/editor) sasha, varani the second icewing and story (c) me length: 2,139 words. 11,747 characters.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 17

, peridot the alpha prime's second wings, ridgecore vana the prime, sedrin the honorable soulwing, tenchi the alpha prime, ukae the first icewing and varani the second icewing) are consisting of characters © me, https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ and sedrinthestar

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Kween Karen Lays an Egg (Ouch!)

The icewings were playing a game of cards when the wave hit. "the seawings must be having an animus." one of them surmised, shaking the water off. before returning to their game. "size of an atom!"

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 13

Https://talon-stormclaw.sofurry.com/ alexander, azula, azura, chaldoa, diopia, faarg, izae/xixexa, jae frostgate xxv, janch the bladetail, jigo, jokeress, lòeón, lyra, magea, neo, ocarina, phoebe, ridgecore vana the prime, sasha, trinity, varani the second icewing

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Dragon Who

Her body was thin with very sharp angles, no smooth curves that would make her look like a sandwing, but rather more like an icewing, if it wasn't for the bright white tail barb. mayfly had taken a step back and was watching them both.

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Kween Karen Lays an Egg (OUCH!) - Part 2

Turns out the icewings and skywings and such loved to see the ex-queen of their opponents being portrayed in such an entertaining light. seawing propaganda for you right there.

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 14

Janch, the daughter of varani the second icewing, and the mother of hildegaard the ghostwing, the aerial general that fought for your rights in the great huan war and even against this very same enemy, reported to me and the newest prime about this.

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