Unlikely Pairing, part Two

Unlikely pairing, part Two -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Professor Kane was, as always, rambling by the blackboard,...

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By Moonlight I Miss You

There was a big white patch sewn haphazardly on it where the shoulder had ripped. the rabbit stirred, and sam held his breath; the last thing he remembered was her going berserk . 'hrgnzhfl...'

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Fresh Date (Otherwise Untitled)

~ the skunk peered out of bed, from among the haphazard tangle of blankets and pile of pillows. to his roommate's inquiry he replied with a noncommittal groan.

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Under Rain, Taking Hope by the Reins (Otherwise Untitled)

haphazardly tumbling through the remains of the barbed wire fence, she regarded the two options at the far corner of the clearing. ~ there was no signs of lights from the house, nor any vehicles out in front.

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December's Hope

Though it's not the dim green and red lights haphazardly placed on doors of businesses, it's the light from inside us, filling our empty voids in our chests.

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Masked Puppet

The haphazard prop closet holds an astounding gift an array of faces stitched with the finest silk. such beauty shines upon the actor's non-existent eyes, they look so practical, so naturalistic. yet, they feel so fabricated. such a tease.

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Why I haven't uploaded in ages 1-1

You step haphazardly around the puddle. while you are thirsty you know better then to drink from stagnant water.

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The Experimentals

The experimentals (c) faolan bartholomew two thousand teenagers ranging from ages fifteen to nineteen, were standing in a giant auditorium in a haphazard mass looking around murmuring to themselves about why they had been taken here

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Detention (Otherwise Untitled)

Remaining persistently in her line of view was the duct tape haphazardly around her beak, sealing it shut. the other matter was also heard, as the naked wolf sat a few feet away on the same bench she was chained to.

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Waiting for Rescue (Otherwise Untitled)

~ a hand groped haphazardly about the controls on the wall, until the alarm was suppressed. the bunny let out a frustrated groan within moments, sliding out from amongst the blankets and out of bed.

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Breakfast of Corn (Otherwise Untitled)

The jackalope, who admitted his name to be linda during the previous night's flirtations, seemed like a ragdoll tangled amongst the haphazard bedding when regarded against the ball of nerves he had been the night before wearing.

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Chance or Fate

The taller of the pair had already reclined in the nude, back to the changing area, absorbed in a manuscript laying haphazardly on the nightstand. "a novel", whispered the shorter creature. "i'd love to read it", said the taller.

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