September 03, 2017 Day 03
September 3, 2017 (32 Days After the Death of Boris Bailey) Night R's Camera Log for 09-02-17 Bedroom Cam 01 Found- Nothing Day 10:42 am "It's day three of filming. I haven't exactly found anything yet. But, still can't help but have a feeling...
September 07, 2017 Day 07
September 7, 2017 (36 Days After the Death of Boris Bailey) Day 12:34 pm "I'm telling you, I don't know how it happened. One minute, I was just sitting there, then I turned around and it was gone." Rodger was explaining to James about...
Conjuring Comfort
Comfort fanfic thingies After an evening of ghost hunting on the grounds of The Conjuring house, a group of ghost hunters sat down around a campfire to mentally cool down. To help in getting back to baseline, there were smores, smokies, and other...
Desert and Fayth ghosthunt
(The following is a work of fiction. This is an attempt to improve writing skills and expand into other genres and experimental in design. Desert Mutt is copyright to myself. Fayth is copyright to herself.) The night sky was mostly clear, the moon...