Backstory: Child of the Sands originally started out as a spur of the moment Role Play between myself and [...
#1 of diary of a relationship foreword to 'diary of a relationship': things aren't always what they seem to be...but sometimes they are exactly what they seem to be.
Neko Hoshi 6 days
The principle walked foreword as i followed slowly behind. link's dad took a small step back then a step foreword with link following. now face to face they stayed scilent as i looked away at link when he looked at me.
Prologue & Foreword
A foreword from the author this book started as a hobby. it was something i could enjoy with a close friend of mine, and as such, it was not meant to be read, much less understood, by anyone other than we.
time fight
If you choose to drop out and not fight do so now by stepping foreword." i paused as one person walked foreword vanishing as another person appeared.
Chronicles of B-man Part 3-2 Road to Hell, Through Heaven
Or shall we continue killing those~" the lion from before roared out but stopped himself from moving foreword- "good...good. you know better."
Forgotten CH 7
Instead of hooking a right onto capper street i continued foreword onto salt street.
Morning Ritual
"i'd suggest you leave before you end up having the nail gun shoved up your ass sideways" i say in a low and calm voice he looks at me dumb founded and takes a half step foreword which i uncross my arms and take a full step foreword moving my talons at the
Neko Hoshi 4 days
This is just like before i turned seeing link's dad walking foreword as the door shut. "why are you here?" i looked away thinking his powers are like link's. "look at me when i talk to you."
Darker Side of Light (1)
I leaped foreword onto jo's back pushing jo's face against his locker. "did you really think i would let you leave?" jo growled a bit. "fine let's go angel before i regret it and run." i smiled and pulled his arm.
I closed my eyes walking foreword as the portal began to close "thank you papa."
Foreword to Upcoming Submissions
I will be posting some original stories, or rather components of an original extended story that is based off of characters, locations and settings from the Spellsinger series by author Alan Dean Foster. If you have not read books from this series, I...