Assassin: Part 2

I took one last look at the bloody water that my leg was submerged in and started to move for the door. That was a mistake. I set my paw in a small pool of blood and slipped, the towel tearing off of my leg and sending a fresh gout of blood onto the...

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Writing Tips vol. 3

foreshadowing is not the same as a chekhov's gun element, although it is closely related.

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Jackie-The-Junior Blackmail

Jackie-The-Junior Chapter 9-Blackmail Due to the whirlwind of events and emotions yesterday, today after a nice breakfast of omelets, I'm at a loss for what to do. So shortly after, I find myself wandering outside into the driveway. My car is...

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Adventures of Morte - Prologue

**Prologue** A dark mist rolls into the room, roiling and twisting like fire in space - slithering along the walls and ceiling until the lights of the bar are but pinpricks of luminescence. A flash of light bursts from the darkness, blinding you for...

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S5 Ep2- The Fragments of Love

#2 of the heroes of gaia (season 5) foreshadowing ? i think not.

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S6 Ep6-The Double date

#6 of the heroes of gaia (season 6) yup totally no foreshadowing still the lane sisters had decided to go on a double date with their gaian boyfriends to a diner in jupiter city.

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S6 Ep5-The Winter Music conference

#5 of the heroes of gaia (season 6) yup totally no foreshadowing anywhere so at the opal city beast fighting stadium the biggest record labels on the planet decided to have a free indoor concert with the roof closed with the heater on in the stadium for

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 7 (A Battle Plan)

"Grimmmlocckkkkk..." an eerie voice whispered. Grimlock shot awake and looked side-to-side. He jumped from his bed, still shirtless from his earlier encounter with Cura and Mileena. The voice was airy, like wind through the leaves of a dead...

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Originally matthew commented in chapter 1 about how the stew tasted like venison which (imo) was the greatest bit of foreshadowing but as a non-outsider with no memory i had to remove it ; ; chapter 2 and 3 were once a single chapter but it was too long and


Don't Fear the Reaper: Part 4

Trisha and Scarecrow stood at opposite ends of a stark white room, looking at eachother emotionlessly. Scarecrow was the first to make a move. Slowly, he began strafing to the left. Trisha noticed and held her fists out, mirroring his strafing...

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For the sake of foreshadowing, we rewind just a week prior to the first day of the new school year, senior schedule pick-up day. my first thought this fine monday morning, "wow, my back is killing me! since when does 17 feel like 70?

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Somebody's Hero (Chapter 1)

The last dream he remembered involved being chased by zombies and having to find shelter behind an abandoned dumpster, an obvious foreshadowing of his hvz troubles. this dream was different though.

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