A Lead Crown Contribution Exchange: Home?
#9 of lead crown stuff a lead crown story exchange for katethematen and her character in comidacomida 's reader contribution series the lead crown!
Student Exchange
"then one student from each school is picked for the exchange program!" "the exchange?" yang found himself asking before he could stop himself. his tail thrashed slightly in irritation that he had shown his ignorance of what was going on.
Japanese Exchange
Mark had recently arrived in Japan for a weeklong vacation. It was so recent that he just arrived at the Japanese home with the woman that agreed to offer to let him stay with her before he had arrived. The pair had talked online on occasion, and Mark...
The Vixen 2: The Exchange
#2 of the vixen arc both parties return as promised, ready to make the exchange. ---- written by myself, pseduo, and tabatha_cat. takes place the same jaabir/lichthia rp-world from my gallery. paige is played and owned by pseudo. jack belongs to me.
Continued Exchange, Epilogue
#11 of continued exchange and that's it. "continued exchange" is done. i want to give a very special thank you to sirzi for inspiring me to do this, i'm really happy you did. i hope you all enjoyed and please don't forget to leave a comment below.
Exchange, Part 5
#5 of exchange characters belong to disney original art and concept by sirzi (https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi) things continued much as they were for bambi. he continued to catch prey and was getting used to being a lion.
Exchange, Part 4
#4 of exchange characters belong to disney original art and concept by sirzi (https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi) as time went on, bambi's hunting skills got more and more proficient.
Exchange, Part 3
#3 of exchange characters belong to disney original art and concept by sirzi (https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi) scar carried bambi back to pride rock by the scruff. bambi had never even had a scruff before and the sensation was a bit much.
Exchange, Part 2
#2 of exchange characters belong to disney original art and concept by sirzi (https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi) bambi spent the rest of the day wandering the savannah. he had contemplated going back to the forest but decided against it.
Exchange, Part 1
#1 of exchange this was inspired by this piece https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi/art/exchange-718964688 by sirzi (https://www.deviantart.com/sirzi) (it deserves more attention, it really does) he said in the description that it could be a story so i thought
Something New
As he was exchanging out his stuff for the last class for the day, his shoulder was tapped. the wolf cub's heart stopped for a second out of fear for some level of mischief waiting behind him.
Continued Exchange, Part 9
#9 of continued exchange again, not to much to say here. as always, i hope you enjoyed and please leave a comment bellow.