Work-end out of sight

I think that you could call this an essay. :S I wrote it an afternoon when I was really fed up with homework and "important" meetings etc. I was kindof mad at real life and wanted to dwell in the arts, but had no time for it :-/ Enjoy and feel free to...

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I still loved her but never got her back so i wrote it in a poem.

everyday i still loved her, everyday i will always be with her. but what happens if one day that changes with her, you got no one to love or be with, until the last breath.

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Everyday Vaporeon!

'The Bridle' was Tom's favourite restaurant; had been since his first visit as part of his sixteenth birthday. His friends of course, Andy and Millie, who also sat around the table, would have insisted it was a pub, and sure, that was true, but Tom...

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Wolves' Legacy 3: Chapter 2

A Required Distraction My second day out of captivity was relatively early. The sun hadn't fully risen and roosters crowed as the sun went up. Yet, I didn't feel my love beside me. We went on having a very nice sex last night, and kind of...

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Shadow's everyday life

(Sunday) A black fox stood on top of a hill. His brown eyes glistening in the sun. He wore a plain black shirt with a black ordinary jacket. His jeans were rather dark but confortable. He had simploe black and grey shoes. He didn't look like a...

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Clarity - Prologue: Everyday Reality

It's time for another run through the everyday reality of bonnie everett.

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Shadow's everyday life continued

Shadows's everyday life continued in the last chapter shadow became a hero by saving the school but the act nearly cost his life. he revealed his feelings for phantom. and so this continues. "phantom........ i love you."

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Clarity - Epilogue: The Future, Past, and Everyday

It's time for a new everyday reality... ...for jill north... ...kylie grenier... ...clover vale... ...and bonnie. bonnie sterling! \* \* local, local... ah, there we go. local housing. the next step in the long-term plan.

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A Letter To My Wife

Shall give me the power to protect you, to be able to keep you in my arms forever, and in the beginning, i have yearned for you, so i can give you my love forever, you are the only one i wish to love for life, and to have and to hold forever in my arms...and everyday

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The rest of a 5 poems p T.T

Hate hate is a word used often in our house we hate every person everything every mouse we dance when we leave and beg not to stay hate is a word to describe everyday tears shed everyday laughter a forgotten sound

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Day of Days

I found new things everyday though. i had a good life here, but i wish to live it long and for a longer than a day. i made lance my lover each day over and over. it brings him a joy to his face everyday.


Pure Love pt2

Time keeps slipping by and if i could have just one wish i'd have you by my side oooh, oh i miss you oooh, oh i need you and i love you more than i did before and if today i don't see your face nothing's changed, no one can take your place it gets harder everyday

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