Help me!

I need some opinions about this character discription. i will not post until i have opinions!


I don't even know

The earth was warm and damp from the summer rain earlier that day. As the sky darken and the crickets sang, I roamed the forest floor for any sign of my pack, for food, and for water. Oddly enough you would have thought water wouldn't be hard to...

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The Hunter

What started as a character discription, turned into something so much more. i hope you enjoy paws, wide as grown man's hand supported a body of rippling fur and muscle.


Crymson Fira

However if i were to post previous writings you would certainly notice a massive difference between them in terms of discriptiveness. if you don't have anything kinda to say don't say anything at all.

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Fate, Destiny or strange luck - Chapter 3 - Let the Show begin ( Reforged )

Note: vampires are alive fom dj bobo - a link for a musikvideo is in the discription or the commends down below.

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A Firefighter to the rescue — 07 — A Aura sight show

Edit : background music to this told story : see discription please the show started quite normal. the curtain on the tribune lifted upwards and revealed a picture of a japanese manor. next, two actors walked quickly from the left side to the middle.

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How Does An Assassin Retire?

Chosen just so it could blend in perfectly with the boring beige walls and non discript end tables and coffee tables. one individual had once told me that my home looks more like a hotel room than the last hotel he stayed at.

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Morathi considered the discription. grey pelts among the local rats seemed. . . common, but the details helped. he'd look to be in thought as the mouse continued, but soon raise. lichthia before requested he not see nor question the rabbit.

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