The Rise of Serpens: Serpens Meets his First Convert

Sequel to a job at the zoo serpens meets his first convert by born2beagator it had been a day since chris had fully transformed and taken his place with his mate karina.


Cosmic Stars - Epilogue

"and here is what i know: the head converter, aggressor, has been our best converter since he took this planet. now he's dead, along with a younger head converter that went with him to ensure their success.

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MoonDust, Chapter 26

Bruce nudged the converter with one hoof. "it burned out, and we aren't sure how to fix it." omar knelt beside the singed electronics. "it is a normalizing high-step converter, yes?

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Foiss (Information)

-when converted and all their powers aren't drain they most prevalent power will take a physical manifestation in the host.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part One

The converted murdoch slithered out of the air vent. he was still mostly kat-like except his compound eyes. the other three converted former convicts followed suit. as steven went for his gun, the four hurriedly overwhelmed and subdued him.

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USS Virginia (SSN-774)

Fielding 5 converted nuclear submarines for the earths first military space fleet was long, and slow. plagued by failures budget cuts,and a recovering superpower.

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I, Dacien - Chapter 15 - interlude iii

"and he can continue to be bloodstock, after he's converted." "we don't convert bloodstock," said casimir. "we don't often convert bloodstock," said sandor. "we have." januisz looked at sandor.

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The True And Potent SECRETS of SoFurry Story Formatting

converting the title, copyright byline, author byline, any special notices is most easily done simply by re-writing them in html with the header tags, rather than converting them (they are probably littered with font and size tags).

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Valkyrie - The History of the Altia Galaxy - Part 1 - The Atlantian Age

This machine seeked out atlantian dna and converted them into energy beings. this allowed them to take physical shape at will.

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The Doctors of Doom, Part Two

~\*~ steven and three of the four converted prisoners watched impassively as the more "evolved" ci-kat-a randomly trashed the lab, hurling empty beakers and overturning tables.

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Return to futureland part 5

"i'll put the things like this, i'm sure one or the two of your parents are living in this country illegally" explained reginald "i can convert you into a mindless drone but this will be a waste. i won't convert you now because i'm bored and tired.

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Text to speech program

This can take a while, so the program may freeze for a minute or two while it converts. i wrote it a few years ago, as i like to listen to audio books while i work, but couldn't find a program that converted full books to audio.

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