Out of the Closet

conscript 1: my father was so surprised when i came out of closet to him. conscript 2: why was that, comrade? conscript 1: because i yelled "aaaarrrhh!"

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The Forever War, Chapter One part ii

Accept the miserable conscripts still depressing in the corner. he wondered over to the collie first. she seemed more responsive.

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Tourists Guide To The Principality Of Valtovka: Part Four

conscript: someone who has shown absolutely no skills and has no desire to serve, there are very few true conscripts in the military. soldier: an enlisted man, or a conscript who behaves normally or has ambition or skills.

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The Forever War, Chapter Three

Well i'm conscripted sergeant falicia, this, this coward is conscripted private juliet." waffled the cow. ace rolled his eyes and pushed forwards behind the feline baring the tubes.

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Eternal Mortality: From Ronald To Ian

Army conscription age limit reduced to seventeen. army conscription rate quadrupled. military casualties doubled. overall quality of life drastically improved. city and regional officials are now elected by the local populace every five years.

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The Arrival (Part 2)

Looking back through the carriage behind him he saw the conscripts gaining ground. there was nowhere to go... 'cept maybe up.

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The Forever War, Chapter One part iii

He checked his rifle one last time before he got in the over-crowded air-landing craft, half filled with conscripts. he suddenly felt his stomach sink..

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The Forever War, Chapter One Part i

Staying conscripted is the better option. because that way they might live" finished ace.

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Dearest Elise

Darcius, write to the king to ask for conscription measures.

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Jari Perikkila Character Introduction - Prologue

You conscript into military service instead of civilian service.


Del Sarto of the Dragons: Drestir's Despair

Nothing much more undignifyijng to any dragon than being an outright slave, except the few conscripted like drestir.

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A nervous looking young lion stepped forwards, the collar around his neck identifying him as a conscript in the hyenas' labor force. "and you are?", jasiri asked.

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