A Dragon's Diary 09.04

Ok. So I was sooo exhausted yesterday that I didn't even have the energy to write. So much for trying to write everyday... Anyways, today started like any other day. I went to class like yesterday. (yesterday was the start of second semester.) I woke...

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Life's Tough With The Odds Against You - Chapter Three - One After The Other

I moved behind the crowd gathered at the tv screen, showing the news reporter standing outside of what looked like the community collage just nearby here. "hey, is that the collage that's just around here?" "yes, now hush.

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david's college days part nineteen

Storm in there old collage books and any other paper work they had from collage, but none of it matched but then sarah found some hand righting that look like the note but it was miss dragon's righting not storm's, so off to the home of mr.

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The personal files of Frank Timpson

Now in the long run, this meant that axel had lots of free time in collage. to help relive this problem, axel joined the collage's fencing club.

a dragons love in collage

Anyway after i packed my things in the trunk i got in the car and drove to dragon peeks collage. i didn't have a house so i'll be living on campus .

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A night with a reaper

He didn't exactly like his collages either, durring that time they laughed and enjoyed some of the people's pain, mainly thier fear for death. he had looked down, seeing some souls that still needed to find resolve.

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david's college days part thirteen

Seeing as there where near the collage as well they where getting a lot of students buying and selling there cd's and dvd's and sometimes there old videos witch they never got a lot for but in the summer when collage closed they lost a lot of business.

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From End to Beginning

But little does he know that all those extra clubs and activities would make a whole difference once he would get into collage.

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TotWW Winter's Song

When her friends first approached her and planted the idea to go on a trip during collage break, it seamed so fascinating and exciting. but kathie felt like her friends where dragging her around like some extra baggage that was forced on them.

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david's college days part twenty

Or even before you came to collage.


david's college days part five

Mike because he was the toughest in the group when he showed up for collage.

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request story - starsage

It was early sunday morning a very normal day for the collage all of the students having their last day off of the weekend but unlike most days today was the day of a almost established collage tradition.

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