Repaying a Debt Chapter 3

Suri woke him in the middle of the night saying "No....don't!...Please!.........No....Not THERE!" Rust immediately got up and picked her up and held her close whispering in her ear. "It's okay your safe." Until she calmed down and went back to sleep....


The Bond (Extended Verse)

#4 of poems and such a poem by me written for the wolves about their "bond" heaven's waiting for you and i i offer my hand, take me now my love with this band, a symbol of my never ending love mated, here and now, this moment ours to hold forever until


Bonds of Love (Epilogue)

#18 of bonds of love series i may not have been able to write the full second story of bonds of love but i did think about it but when i tried to continue i thought that it ended on a good note, but i did want to make a second one to go into further explanation

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A Happy Life

Hey there this is my Second story and I am giving thanks to my friend Shadow-Wulf19 for letting me use a character of hers. Please enjoy I hope this one is better then my...

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Family Ties

Alright everyone my first story on here be nice lol This story focuses on my RP character Sen whose bio is on my...

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Neko Hoshi 3 days

I held Link's hand as we walk to school seeing busses at the front. I tilted my hed seeing the principle walking up to us. "Ah Mr.Cross I'm surprised you came well get on the bus." My ears tilted a bit wondering what he was talking about. "Mr. Hoshi...

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If Only By Moonlight

If Only by Moonlight For: Ray Cottonfang Our friendship is as plentiful as the stars above. If I called your name, Will you hear me? If I gave my heart to you, Would you, me? If only by the elegant moonlight, If only the stars would see. Would...

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Sabetha, the Walker of Fate - Chapter 4, Alone...

Chapter 4 **Alone...** "Phew. Frinda saw me exit outside but only grinned at me, that little," Sabetha thought raising a shaking clenched fist, now hiding behind some bushes growing near the cave exit. The bright afternoon sun washed...

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A Heart to Heart

**A Heart to Heart** After last night's echo faded, the nothingness of the sound reflected the darkness. Yet within it Miles felt himself awake. His body ached from yesterday's training regimen but a sensation he had been...

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The Bond

Src=5) **the bond** the world exploded into being around kiana. light flashed from every angle as the yellow-scaled dragoness felt a stiff breeze whip up behind her.

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Foxxy: ![""](%5C) DC: ![""](%5C) DC is not mine, mind you. But, how I wish this hot turtle was. Raphael 'Foxxy' Selini, however, is. * * * "Oh, DC! That was the best night ever!" DC smiled and opened the door to his apartment. "Ah, glad to hear...

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Surviving on Dreams

It's been a long time since I uploaded anything onto here. I decided to upload this though. This was supposed to be a prologue to another story series I was trying to work on but failed to come up with any half decent ideas for. ...

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