Trans Troubles - In a Bind

But binders weren't meant to last forever and, after two years, it just wasn't wearable anymore. their original binder they'd purchased from an overseas company they'd heard nothing but glowing reviews from.

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Between Winters, Part XII - Point of Ignition

"so, am i a binder now?" "human is no binder." "human will never be binder." "not to this griffin." it was obvious that the twin goblins were amused by his absolute lack of knowledge of griffin handling.

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Havana or Hell, part six

Maybe i should have been surprised when i discovered the red ring-binder inside, but it felt only natural that it existed in reality. i don't know what i had expected to find in the binder; something marvelous i was sure. maybe even the missing photos.

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Starlight Part 11

Magnum sends a neural command to the binders locking system as it restarts, he flings ice at the vixen from the sides, she begins to deflect the projectiles but the wolf sends the binder at her, she projects an energy field which stops it, but the wolf smirks

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Crusader Part 11

He glances to his binders and gets an idea, he zooms as the complex devices open, the other-worldly being swings, the mystic avoids it but the binders twirl in opposite directions, the gravity units locking ra'karo'zx in place as the mystic charges his natural

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A Roll of the Dice

Jimmy slipped a finger back into the binder flipping it back open and then shaking his head.

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same shit different day

He quickly stuffed his homework into his binder, and his binder into his backpack as he hurried up to get to bed.

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A new year~ 3

As the math teacher started to end his lecture i opened my binder, all it was , was a bunch of doodles and gushy poems. nothing interesting, really...

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Zara's Academy Life

He asked as he fished out his binder. "assignment three," she answered as she did the same with her bag, "there are just a few questions i don't really understand." zara let out a slight sigh as he placed his binder on the table.

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Healing the Soul Chapter Three

Zel handed her the binder and duotang, "as promised. the binder is filled with the complete chapters of what your mom was reading last night. i figured she might want to keep reading it." tammy bounced in her seat with excitement.

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A change in pace 2

"oh i'm fine, but my science binder isn't. i don't know how i'm going to study for my unit test tomorow." i laughed and pointed to my chemistry binder, which was lying right in the middle of a huge puddle.

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Jimmy's Day

Its not like you know magic very well and this rare binder is almost as big as my trade binder for magic... at least i hope it's a rare binder." she said looking it over. "well yeah it kind of is.

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