
"I thought I told you that enough was enough there dragon," A cool voice stated flatly. The dragon the voice was aimed at just shrugged and kept on doing what he was doing, seemingly uncaring of the consequences as he strode along the street with a bag...

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Reality-Bending Cat

Reality-bending cat by calextheneko "remind me again, what are we doing here?" zach asked the other two as they stood before a front door full of splinters that looked like it might crack in two if they so much as touched it.

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I will never bend

I think i'm finally ready i just need to take this slow and steady reality will never bend to my will and my chances sometimes seem to be nil.


Around the Bend Part V

#5 of around the bend chapter four: unexpected company the sound of the bullet being fired was excruciatingly loud, the bang resonating around the forest of buildings.

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Around the Bend Part I

#1 of around the bend the otter walked to the edge of the sixty-three floor skyscraper and stretched, breathing in the late afternoon air of the big city.

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Around the Bend Part III

#3 of around the bend around the bend part iii sunlight streamed in the window disturbing michelle's slumber. she rolled over attempting to sleep again, until a delightful scent caught her attention.

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Silver Stream Memory 24

We continued down the cool path of grass and dirt and turned the first bend to the left. we continued to the next bend to the left. we continued to the next bend and chris spoke, "exponentially self righteous, that's what you are."

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Balto - Family Reunion

"then bend over." balto said. kodi bends over and balto retrieves a switch. jenna walks up to aleu. "your father isn't the only one that is going to punish you six, bend over." she said. aleu bent over.

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The Book of Gaian Magic

They are also known to be strong enough to break or bend most things.

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Long Cat

Not that he could turn it on or off easily now as bending down for anything was almost impossible. he'd need a new job, and a new way to live.

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Typhlosion Gut Punched

Typhlosion's belly folds around the footpaws as he bends over, his muzzle and eyes wide as he tries to breathe. he bends completely double, his head coming level with that of the primeapes.

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A New Dawn - Chapter 33 (A Fresh Start)

Only they were bending, firing fireballs at a stone pillar. standing behind the group of dragons was an older dragon. he held himself with authority as he scrutinised the bending dragons with his stern gaze.

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