DRAGON HEART : chapter 1-birth of a guardian
Moments later queen elizabeth and king azeroth has arrived at an ancient temple in the northern mountains.
Condensed Biographies: Prince Azazel, part one.
The god sun pulsed with divine power, and the defeated azazel stood once more, shrouded in golden energy - azeroth himself having granted him the power to carry out his absolution.
Azerite Lore Dump 1
An azerite is a homonid feline native of the planet azeron, orbiting the star azeroth, within the edges of one of the milky way's arms.
The Cracked Mesa Irregulars: part 4
He was tired that much was sure but his mind was racing with the events of his life since he'd arrived in azeroth. normally meditation for brauner was a simple task but he found it a hard to clear his head and it forced the tauren to sigh again.
Azerite Language Notes
Sol-gran-saero = father azeroth oh-noir-sae = onyx hunter kra-zao-sae = mad one greh-fira-sae = phoenix tec-ol-sae = her opalescence lok-gild-sae = golden orphan azur-aej-sae = jade feline auin-ru-sae = scarlet saint sol-sey-kit = child
The Rebirth of Dragons
But it was a wake up call for azeroth. the long time allies of the races the dragons were greatly weakened and vulnerable. when the bronze drake chromie sought the help of the kirin tor.
DRAGON HEART : legends of the guardians
Planet's core is visible on land , rooted up on soil and glistening with sorrounding crystal, it is the most powerful thing of all the dragon's keep so many will try to harness or steal its glorious power but fortunately the core is guarded by dragonia's king azeroth
The Cracked Mesa Irregulars: part 5
"i might need someone to come with me to town later i'm still not used to azeroth still. kal looked at the white bull full-on. "not used to azeroth? where are you from? outland?"
Kaja's Backstory, Chapter 1
The warchief, thrall, had observed both races closely when the orcs first came to azeroth. although neither race would ever admit it, the half-man/half-horse centaurs and the half-man/half-cow tauren actually had a lot in common.
The Chronicles of the Seven: Overview
Auris is one light hour from sadalmelik and is earth-like except its geography is more similar to azeroth (from _world of warcraft_) than earth and anthropomorphic animals live on its surface. it also has a moon.
Part One: Meeting
I even rescued a whelpling not long before my people left, and ended up on azeroth." she swallowed nervously and her trembling hand reached out, stroking lightly across the top of his head, "i... i will admit i've always found dragons beautiful.
Let's Get Down to Business
Aura belongs to fa: aurastrasza miyuki belongs to helzimgiger azeroth and such belongs to blizzard entertainment art comes from my image zen warrior, art by jasmae.