Coming out of the tent
He'd made Shannon Connelly cry, the bastard. Nobody messed with Shannon Connelly, because there was no reason to do so. Everybody loved her. She was head of the film club at school, and had the best taste in film. You'd think that's not objective, but...
Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)
It seemed like the most logical wish to make at the time. Back then, all those millions of years ago, people lived only to be 25 or so before they got claimed by dinos or infection. So, the most logical request to make when you approach a meteorite...
Put Me in the Trash
There were a few nice new products on sale at Klyder's Department Store that quarter, but the lime jello marshmallow cottage cheese surprise was not one of them. Clyde Igglesby wanted to retch at the label of the dense, bowl-shaped, cheap-plastic...
I had this dream
A ring of the doorbell, and like clockwork, five seconds is all it takes. "Oh, Louise! You're back in town for the summer already? University treating ya well?" "Just fine, Mr. Brooks. Everything's going wonderfully so far." Nosy as it may...
The Interrogation: A Dr. Cardboard Revue
" **The Interrogation: A Dr. Cardboard Revue"** **by Terry Echoes** Pierre found himself staring up at a picture of a man with a manic grin. The grin stretched across the man's golden-brown muzzle, and his eyes were lit up with the kind of jovial...
Hindr (By Chaon)
The text was bright red and stylistically rendered in the manner of the Goosebumps logo; with ugly pustules that seemed to drip off the pristine white of his smartphone screen. Other than the garish font the splash screen appeared boringly dull next to...
End of an Era
What happened to us? We were extinguished. Like a cold breath of air against a flickering flame, or the sun beaming down its withering heat on a chunk of ice, or a granule of sand taken by the dark and expansive and terrifying sea. A single...
Rainy Day
Delilah looked through her fogging windshield, resigned, pulling over with what was left of the dying motor onto the shoulder of the lonely interstate. The beat up Toyota, with its old, cracked, faux leather seats, missing volume knob on the well loved...
Just What You Do
They really needed to get the lighting fixed in here. Only the dull red glow of the exit sign. Not that it mattered; I could climb these stairs in my sleep. Which step creaked. Just where to reach for the bar and shove open the door. My foot didn't...
The Scientific Inquirer, Article 1
_The Scientific Inquirer_ **Revolutionary Treatment for Rodents Found?** Published: September 17th, 2020 In this day and age, many major illnesses are but a memory of a distant past. What we suffer from are but trifles to such horrid plagues as...
Ghostly Cafe Visit
The day looked to be... an overcast over the city of Thunderpass, it's always gonna start raining in the afternoon or just about any time of the day. Cole, an average office worker Dalmatian more specifically in the design department felt like the...
The Madness of Mrs. Frank
Upon the floor I labored, sweat dripping from my brow. Several times I retraced work already done, damaged by the saline drops. The chalk in my paw was gritty and made the black sleeve that went to my elbow white half up my forearm. At least it matched...