After the good work done as rescuers Rescuers, some mice also joined as a team. But there were some losses. As example... The mouse was the ambassador of Mexico died hit by a car driven by one of the thugs who were kidnapping children throughout...
The case of children who were kidnapped near schools and public parks revealed a grim mystery. Bianca wondered Why criminals using other children as bait? Among the other dark streets unfriendly group of mice Bernard and Bianca stole a locket that she...
We all wanna for a balloon
A new order of crime is sweeping the world. Rescuers should be cautious. Now more than ever Bianca has been watching closely for several days to balloon salesman who stays at the same corner. A child approaches the vendor and the child seems to buy a...
One of the strangest stories of inspiration, but also one of the most beautiful. In this story as a guest star Flaversham Olvia This beginning, when the evil Rattigan hurts Olivia avenge to Basil. But now the bat Figet ...
Dale is lost
#### **Some days ago Gadget had been helped by Tammy fixing her aeroplane. The little squirrel wanted a chance for be free from her little slim sister.** **By an unexplain event Montery acepted to exit with Desiure and Chip had a fight with Dale**...
Doloroso Despertar
ova2 El espejo de Luna A pasado ya un año desde aquella aventura en Canterlot, en donde yo. Dance Illusions un unicornio que había pasado por desapercibido resulta ser la reencarnación de un ente de magia oscura. Quizás sea el miedo a ser considerado...
Efecto mariposa (Segunda Parte)
Segunda Parte En el capítulo anterior... Twilight (leyendo) Estuve observando lo que hiciste con la pequeña Scootaloo, quizás no te habías dado cuenta, pero tu buena acción será recompensada. Esta misma tarde mandaré por ti. Spike ¿Por qué la princesa...
Efecto mariposa (Primera Parte)
Primera Parte Luego de que Cherrilie le entregara a Twilight aquel poema bélico, que serviría como pie para su discurso para presentarse ante el emir de Arabia Equina. Era la primera vez en que Twilight se reuniría con algún dignatario sin la...
La oscuridad es nuestra aliada
Primera parte El sol estaba por salir,y una caravana de ponis con aspecto de nómadas habían instalado sus tiendas para descansar, debajo del puente que va al antiguo castillo de las hermanas nobles. Un pony macho de rostro duro preguntó a una yegua...