Choose your own path pt7
You smile at the elf."Excuse me, mistress, but could I hold on to that favour for now?" "If you want to, then go ahead." The elf nods, and conjures a book from under her pillow, beginning to read. You quietly tip toe towards the door on the left, and...
The Swords that Bind- Part 3: The Plot Thickens
With the introductions completed, I was left to my own devices. Silver slid down the ladder to the lower decks to resume his own endless war with the engine's reactors. Samis called me forwards, and I stood directly behind him as we headed towards the...
The Swords that Bind- Part 1: Welcome to the Crew
The light in the room was quite dim, no natural light shone from any of the windows, which were heavily shuttered, even during the day. This gave the whole aura of the room a kind of isolated feel, and for a brief moment I could fool myself into...
Choose your own path Pt6
**I believe this is what's called a bluff.** As you search around, you find a rock that's pretty much the same shape and size as the gem sitting innocently on the altar. You can't tell whether it's trapped on not, but logic dictates that it should...
Choose your own path Pt4
After a few minutes staring at the lake and the rickety bridge,you about turn and jog back down the zig zag corridor. Surely the right passage could lead to better fortune. After ten minutes of jogging, you come back to the opening to the cave, and you...
Choose your own path Pt3
**You are not working together, but oh well, I took the comments and added them up.** As you lift your torch higher, you decide to take the left hand passage, and as you walk down it you notice it curves in a zig zag pattern quite regularly, almost...
Choose your own path Pt2
**We shall see whether those choices will serve you well, but you must work together, this is not a democracy.** With a casual yawn you begin to get dressed, a light tunic and trousers the basics, and both in dark colours. You have learnt from many...
Choose your own path Pt1
**Welcome all, to get the next part you need to discuss with your fellow commenters and decide the best course for this character.** The sound of the rooster crowing wakes you, and you stir from a deep slumber. As you open your eyes, you see the inn...
The Swords that Bind- Part 6 Melancholy and Mischief
I returned to the mess with the bunny's request of food, and as I entered, the whole group were in there, Celiana and DAIN included. As I moved over to the dispensary, Silver piped up. "Let me guess, bunny ordered carrot stir fry?" "Close enough." I...
Choose your own Path pt17
As the Master advances on you, you lift both hands, deciding not to draw your sword. "Woah, woah. Before I get my ass rutted, what is the meaning of this. I thought you said this was a challenge." The Master chuckles."Your challenge was whether you...
Choose your own path Pt5
You bow to the beautiful elven maiden, and casually jog back down the zig zag corridor, wondering about how to cross the cave. At least you get ten minutes to think on it before you're staring at the crystal waters and the same old rickety bridge. For...
Choose your own Path pt15
You don't make any moves in attack or defence, but you eye the Master warily as he leans there. He speaks again. "Well, you have done rather well, haven't you?" he comments idly, and you look somewhat confused. "What do you mean by that?"You ask...