Wheels and Gears that Turn
I stare at the blank paper and it stares back. It stares back as mocking as my sibling's can be. The idea of writer's block is bad enough without the medium that you are to work your magic with teasing you for your insufficient progress. My eyes...
Rest in peace from pain, suffering and lies, Rest in peace from disappointments, emotions and betrayals, Rest in peace in our forgiving hearts, Rest in peace in the bottom of the silence, Rest in peace in the grave of eternal life, Rest in peace...
New Hopes: Escape
She had run a very long way from her captures, her scientists and experimenters. Fauna was so tired but she was afraid to stop and sleep herself. They might find her and bring both of them, her and her child, back to that prison. They will not! She...
Thinking of you...
When something new or unknown happens, I grab for my phone, A smile on my face, Loud bouts of laughter is worse-case, As I look at the device, I have to think twice, As my smile fades a little at a time, My best friend won't be at the end of...
New Beginnings...
The humanoid vixen pulled the sleeping youth closer to her body as she paused to catch her breath. She leans her weight and her sons on her arms against an oak tree. Her fox ears twitched listening for the sound of any pursuers. So far, there was...
Wheels and Gears That Turn
I stare at the blank paper and it stares back. It stares back as mocking as my sibling's can be. The idea of writer's block is bad enough without the medium that you are to work your magic with teasing you for your insufficient progress. My eyes...