Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter7

**Phase 1, Chapter 7.** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was hot, dry, the air outsite of the armoured transport filled with dust as the convoy rolled through the poorly maintained streets. The...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter8

**Phase 1, Chapter8.** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite all the insanity Kalevar had survived over the last eighteen hours of his 'life', the wildcat emerged from the bathroom refreshed and...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter5

**Phase 1, Chapter 5.** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was only a matter of moments until the elevator would come rising to the first floor of the club, leaving Kalevar with very little time...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter3

**Phase 1, Chapter 3.** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The pounding of bass greeted the wildcat as he made his way up the streets, paws tucked deftly into his rear pockets as he strolled along looking about...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter2

**Phase 1, Chapter 2.** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- **"Who are you? And Who are you.. Talking to...?"** Kalevar felt his head begin to reel as he spun around to face the darkness, attempting to look...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1

**Phase 1, Chapter 1.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Velvet ears twitched lightly against the wires which brushed awkwardly against their tips, coils of copper dangling from various series of apparatus...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

**Phase 1, Chapter 11.** (Not that anyone probably really reads these, but! It has infact been quite a while since I wrote/posted anything. This is, as I warned upon my arrival here, due to my military obligations and the full time strain they...

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