Living as a Skunk: chapter eight.1
As I awoke the TV was blaring. I don't remember most of the broadcast, but I remember the end well. "Hospital now also overrun by disease, all hospital staff are now motionless on the floor growing fur as...we...." the camera lady fell to the floor as...
Living as a Skunk: chapter seven
As I stared at the new skunk that stood before me we had only one though, how else could it spread. I threw myself at her and began to sob. "Oh honey...its...its not so bad. Maybe...maybe it only spreads by hands, yeah! Yeah, yeah that's it!" "You...
Poem: Sorrow
I sit upon my bed at night and yet I cannot sleep all I do is sit and think and weep and weep and weep I weep for those who know me and hate me to the core I weep for those who've heard of me and the things that I adore No matter where I go or...
Poem: Freedom
The freedom to choose is merely perceived your choices in fact have been made, upon the eve of a midnight of nights, many nights ago at a round table, full of corperates, ready to go at a marketing ploy to raise your rates and to make you look at...
Poem: Love
"What is love? That which cannot be defined. It comes in different forms, different styles and different reasons. It comes without knowing and with knowing full well. It cannot be caught restrained or held, it cannot be seen, touched or felt. Though...
Living as a Skunk: Chapter 9
"We walk our own path and you choose your your own destiny, but choose with caution, for the wake you leave affects all around you." I don't remember who said that but they sure were right. It's been about a day since the first people changed....
Living as a Skunk: chapter three
You know, I though being a skunk would be a lot worse, but to tell the truth it isn't half bad. At first it was hard of course, always getting my tail caught in doors and such, always having people look funny at me. Sometimes when I went to the store,...
Living as a Skunk: chapter six
Was I still dreaming? No, no I couldn't be could I? It all felt so unreal, so abstract. Me, in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, attending anthrocon! I felt so excited I wanted to jump right out of my fur! "Wow" I said, stunned with awe. "I can't beleive I'm...
Living as a Skunk: chapter five
I has been a month since school ended, and life has been normal, well, about as normal as it can get around here. However, we've started our packing for anthrocon. Even though she said she bought the tickets, I still had to pay half. Getting a job was...
Living as a Skunk: chapter four
My awakening came on swift wings, as cold rain poured down from the sky and totally drenched my fur. On the bright side I did wake up and didn't ahve to worry my mother. "Hey, well, maybe I won't even have to tell her about what happened." I thought...