Living as a Skunk: chapter three
You know, I though being a skunk would be a lot worse, but to tell the truth it isn't half bad. At first it was hard of course, always getting my tail caught in doors and such, always having people look funny at me. Sometimes when I went to the store, people would stare and it was very degrading. Heck, I remember this one time...
"Hey what the *$#%@ are you?"
"Excuse me sir, I don't think we've met."
" Yur right! why would I ever want to meet something so ugly as you!? HAHAHA" Those kind've people I tried not to associate myself with, I just tried to ignore them as they eventually got tired and left. Some days, I felt as if I just wanted to end it all, but my mom was there for me whenever I needed her.
"There there." she would say "Tomorrow is another day, and it will be better just go up to your room and think about it." and I did and I realized it wasnt so bad, I could be dead, I could be mortaly wounded, I could not have gotten the chance to live what millions of people love and idealize, and I kept going. As the year went on, people got used to seeing me, they stopped staring or talking bad about me, they accepted me, as if I had always been there. Living as a skunk became easier too. I eventually knew where my tail was and never had any trouble with it, I even brushed and combed it now to keep it looking nice. I now accepted what I had become, although not sure why, I didn't really go to furfanatics much anymore. Maybe it was because I didn't need to talk about it or read about it, I was living it! After they had accepted my new form, my friends all told me
":Ever since you've become, your new self, you seem much more mature, and intelegent." He later realized they were right. From grades six through eight I had always been a a straight C student. However since the transformation, I had been getting much high grades than normal.I even signed up to take honors physics next year. I had even joined the chess club at the school and did very well.I was even asked to run for class president for next year. The final grades came in I had straight A's and one B. My mother was so proud.
"I would've never thought you could pull these off!" she proclaimed. "Course I would never have expected a lot of things to happen this year that did." and as the last day came to a close I headed on my way out the school as the final bell rang.
"Bye John man! See you next year!" Nate shouted
"You bet I yelled back I'l see you next..." I froze as an eire chill ran down the back of my spine, it was a strange feeling, not one I had felt in a long time.
"Dude, are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah I'm fine...see you later."
"Ok man..." as he trailed away. I look around and sure enough, I spot them. The four in hoods that gave me this form. They walk over to me, their capes and robes flowing behind them.
"Well, you took our curse and turned it around didn't you!" he bellowed "That curse was meant to puish you, not inspire you! We'l get rid of our mistake once and for..."
"WAIT!" I roar. They stare awkwardly at me.
"You want to keep your new form? Isn't that too bad! Unforunately, that curse wasn't made to last forever, it will fade away..."
"Can you make it permenant?"
"Well yes, but it comes with a cost..."
"I don't care! I can bare the cost, I don't want to go back to normal!"
"Ok, alright, but can the others handle it? You'l soon find out..." He started chanting again, luckily there was no one around to see it. His fingertips glowwed bright red as black lightning projected out from them. They collided with me and I felt tremedous pain. All I could do was close my eyes as I fell to the ground. That was the last I saw of them, all I really remember was his horrible, evil laugh that peirced my spine as I fell to the ground, out cold.