Living as a Skunk: chapter eight.1

Story by shyfox5 on SoFurry

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As I awoke the TV was blaring. I don't remember most of the broadcast, but I remember the end well.

"Hospital now also overrun by disease, all hospital staff are now motionless on the floor growing fur as...we...." the camera lady fell to the floor as we heard on the background.

"Karen are you..." the camera dropped to the floor and the TV went black. I stared at the TV with eyes too blank to describe. My face was pale white, my energy completely drained. I sit back on the bed motionless, unable to move even the feintest muscle. My tail, lying their on my lap, motionless, fur standing on end.

"Dear...It's not that bad..."

"Mom...come on, you know it couldn't possibly get any worse than this. I've caused the whole town to become anthropomorphic! Through this...infection or something! Who knows how far this could spread, the country, the continent, the world! Would the governments even be able to stop it? Should they? This quandry raises so many questions. I...I don't even know what to do. I guess I'l just try to let it all blow over and let time pass. I can't really help or do anything to stop it...since no one is getting hurt or anything..."