Merry Christmas!! :)

It's Christmas Eve. I don't know what time it is, but I just know that it's almost Christmas. It's December 24, 2012, and all the furs are out spending time with their families. They're all giving out their presents to each other, attending parties...

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Just another love story (maybe) pt.1

The day started out like any other normal day would. Well, other than the weather being a little chilly, everything else is pretty good. I don't see why I should even get up today. I mean, it's a Saturday after all. Sure, the weather is fine and all,...

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A New World Chapter 2: Trust

When I was just a young fox cub, some kids used to bully me. They think it's funny, picking on me, teasing me, making me feel weak and inferior. I hated it when they did that. Not just because it hurts but also because it's true. I was weak. I really...

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Yet to be Named Chapter 1: Escape

It's been almost two years now since the wolves came. They just came out of nowhere. The Elders thought they were just a small threat. They were wrong. It didn't even take them a day before they've captured the entire village. They were careless. They...

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Study Date

It was around an hour past lunch time at the college study hall. Kyle waited anxiously at his table while he looked around. The hall wasn't as packed as it usually was, which the fox was thankful for. He usually studied in his dorm room, but he made...

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