Yet to be Named Chapter 1: Escape
This is my first story so please go easy on the comments. Please comment as honest as you can. And give any tips or suggestions and point out any spelling or grammar errors.
It's been almost two years now since the wolves came. They just came out of nowhere. The Elders thought they were just a small threat. They were wrong. It didn't even take them a day before they've captured the entire village. They were careless. They thought that just because they have them outnumbered, they could have taken the threat down easily. They were wrong. The wolves had technology none of us had ever seen. Not just technology, each wolf had some sort of magical power. I can't explain it, but by the looks of the strange mark on them, I can tell it's not normal. Many lives were lost, including my own father. Seeing him defend my family and I, my two younger sisters, and my mother. These wolves were monsters. They killed anyone who would oppose them. But instead of killing of the entire village, they occupied it. They showed to us how helpless we were. How worthless we are compared to them. We lost our freedom. We became slaves to these "Wolves". I barely got to see my mother every day. She was always working; she tried hard to keep us all alright. She did well, I suppose. Although there were days were she wouldn't come back. When she did, it didn't take much for me to know that they did something bad to her. Almost every day of our family's life was spent crying, begging for mercy from the wolves. It was worthless. And I began to lose hope.
That was two years ago. It still happens today. My mother would come home, battered and beaten; I could clearly see bruises all over her face and body. My two sisters look up to me, even though I can't do much for my age. Not much can be done anyway. My sisters and I were told to stay inside.
My name is Silver Estheim. I'm a sixteen year old arctic fox. I'm around 5'7 feet tall. I think it's kind of embarrassing to be the only arctic fox in the village. Everyone else here is either a red or gray fox. I asked my mom about this, she's a red fox, and she said it must have come from my dad. But I don't really care right now.
Ever since the wolves came, life isn't just the same anymore. I missed how everything was two years ago. It was peaceful. But it all changed now. What used to be a small village turned into, um, well, I'm not good in describing things, but I can say things look pretty grim. I hate it so much. The only one who ever gets to go out is my mother, mostly because of work.
My mother used to be a vibrant caring red fox, but now, all that has changed. She used to smile so much, but we never get to see her happy anymore. I don't blame her. Who could smile in a situation like this? She has to work every day. No, she doesn't work. She gets abused. The wolves do whatever they want to her. All just so she could be able to keep my sisters and me alive. I'm sick of all this. The wolves, what happened to the village, how my sisters and my mother cry almost every night because they hate how things are now. I hate it. I hate it all so much. That's why I'm running away.
It's a stupid idea. I'm not the only one who tried this before. Many have tried and failed. Few got lucky and are able to slip through without being noticed. Those who failed are either put to death or get punished. But if what I heard is true, maybe it's better off if they died.
I got up from my bed. I look outside the window. Its night now and it was a new moon. Perfect timing. If I'm lucky and stay hidden, I might be able to get out unnoticed. I make my way out of my room, down the hallway and pass by my sisters' room. It's empty. Where are they? I continue down the hallway and pass by my mother's room. I can see her hugging my two sisters, sharing the same bed. This happens a lot every night and then. When my two sisters awake from a nightmare, they go to my mother's room and she tries to comfort them. Me? When I get nightmares, I just stay in my bed. I don't want to get up and go to my mother. Most of my nightmares involve her getting the same fate as my dad. Seeing her just makes things worse. Not even her presence changes anything. I continue down the stairs and make my way to the door. I pick up my I left near the door and look back one more time.
'I'm sorry. But I have to do this.'
I opened the door and went outside. There were absolutely no lights at all outside. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness as I checked inside my bag. Food, water, everything I needed. I prepared this bag just this morning. I continued walking down the dirt road, passing by houses with windows closed. The street was completely empty.
That's odd. There's usually a group of armed wolves patrolling around the village. I wonder where they are. Well, now's not the time to be thinking about that. The gate should be around here somewhere. Ever since the wolves occupied our village, they built a wall around the village to keep us inside. The only way out was through the gate, or, if you like a challenge, you could climb over the wall. But that's nearly impossible with how smooth the surface is.
I make my way to the gate, only to find it locked. Damn, how am I gonna get out now? I leaned against the wall.
'I could try to climb out of here.' I thought. But like I said, it's nearly impossible. I looked around to see if there was anything I could climb. Sadly, they cut down all the trees inside the village.
I knew this was a stupid idea. I sigh in defeat and walked back to my house. Who am I kidding? Thinking I could just run away like this. It's crazy.
As I got closer back home, my ears perked up as I hear something. What is that? I followed the sound. It sounds like, laughter? Who could laugh in a time like this? I continued walking and found where it came from. No wonder there weren't any guards out.
The wolves are having another one of those "Drinking Parties" again. Although they only usually do that when there's something to celebrate about. I wonder what's gotten them so happy. Whatever it is, they picked the right time to do it. I carefully sneak around them, making sure I don't get caught. But it's not as hard as you think. It looks like they're all drunk as hell. Every one of them is holding a bottle of wine, laughing and drinking their asses off. How could they stay so drunk and happy while they make us all suffer? It makes me sick. I can't help it, but I just want to walk over there and punch them right in the face. But I won't. Not now.
I continue sneaking around; careful not to stumble upon the empty bottles they leave around. Ugh, I bet they're gonna make the others clean all this up in the morning. I hate them. I hid behind a truck that was parked right next to their little "party". There's a name written on the side of the truck that says "StarHound". What could that mean? Did the wolves come from some kind of agency or something? If so, why did they come here? And have they occupied other places too?
It's strange how I only noticed this now. I mean, you'd probably expect me to notice all this by now, especially since they've been here for two years. But I don't. I just noticed it now. It's odd.
I stay behind the truck where I notice something interesting. This truck is parked close to the wall. Maybe. Just maybe. If I climb on top of this truck, I could jump on and over the wall. It's risky, but it could work. I start to climb on to the back of the truck when I realize, what if they see me? They'd shoot me on sight of course. Well, only if they have guns of course. I peek over to see. Nope, I don't see them carrying anything that resembles a weapon, unless of course they throw the bottles at me. That reminds me, they're all probably drunk by now. Maybe if they're intoxicated enough, they wouldn't notice me. I climb up onto the truck and get close to the wall. I stand up and try to see what's over on the other side when I suddenly hear a voice.
Crap, I've been spotted. Instead of jumping off the truck and running away, I turn around to see.
"Hey guys, look at this." One of the wolves said. He was kneeling down and holding something. "What is this?"
One of the them laughs. "Dude, that's bread."
Then they start laughing their drunken asses off. It's weird how they would find something like that funny. Maybe that's because they're- wait a minute. Did he say bread? I open up my bag to check my things. Damn, that's my bread! I must have dropped it awhile ago while I was sneaking around. Well, at least that distracted them.
I turn my attention back to the wall. I can't get caught now. Without hesitation, I leap over the wall and landed on a nearby tree branch. But the branch didn't hold me and I fall on to the ground. It wasn't a long drop, but damn did that hurt. I'm just lucky they didn't cut down the trees outside of the village. I sit up and lean against the wall to rest. I checked myself if I broke anything. I'm no expert, but I don't think anything's broken. But I do feel a little pain on my backside. At least I'm not bleeding. I take a minute and scan the environment. There was a slightly dense forest in front of me. I guess the wolves left it alone. I stand up, a little dizzy and walk inside the forest. As I continue to go deeper inside, I come across a hill and climb it. Once on top, I look back to the village that was once my home. I can't believe that I'm leaving my own home. That I'm leaving my own family in the hands of the wolves. I could feel tears start to form in my eyes.
'No Silver.' I told myself. 'Now's not the time to get teary-eyed. It's better this way.' I make one last look on the village and I walk away.
A question emerges from my mind. It's been there ever since I left my house. I paid no attention to it and just left it in the back of my mind. But now I have to ask myself, "Where do I go now?"
To be continued...