Study Date
#4 of Tutoring Sessions
A short little sfw story with Kyle and Randy. Had this sitting for a long while, longer than it should have been. Hope you guys enjoy it. Please leave a comment and give some constructive criticism should you have any.
It was around an hour past lunch time at the college study hall. Kyle waited anxiously at his table while he looked around. The hall wasn't as packed as it usually was, which the fox was thankful for. He usually studied in his dorm room, but he made other plans for that day.
He scanned the room and caught sight of who he was waiting for, smiling and waving at him.
It took a little bit before Randy met his gaze, his usual look of indifference slowly turning to a smile as he waved back at him and made his way to his table. "Hey there." He set his backpack down and sat in the seat in front of Kyle. "Hope you weren't waiting for too long."
He shook his head. "No no, i-it's fine, hehe."
"Okay then." He scratched the back of his neck and looked around nervously. "It's uh, been a while since I've last gone on a date."
Kyle's eyes grew wide, blinking at him quickly as his cheeks turned bright red. "W-W-What...? N-No! T-This... this i-isn't... W-Why would you say that?" He stuttered over his words.
Randy chuckled at the fox getting all flustered and cleared his throat. He was just teasing him as usual, mostly just to see his reaction. "Right, right, my bad. So... not a date. What would you call this then?"
The fox huffed out, patting the books he placed on the table. "Tutoring. You know, what we should have been doing last time."
The boar nodded. "Oh of course, of course. Yeah. Last time, where instead we were doing, y'know..." He looked around the room innocently, flashing a grin at the fox, making him even more flustered.
"C-Can we just focus now, please?" He rubbed his arms and avoided his gaze. Despite his reactions to his constant teasing, he'd be lying if he said he didn't like it to some extent, something the boar himself was well aware of and loved to indulge him in.
Randy chuckled, opening his bag and taking out his own books. "Yeah, yeah."
"Good. Now then..." Kyle opened his book, flipping through the pages. "Let's go over the coverage for next week's test."
He began to explain the topics to him, just like their first session, giving a brief overview for each one before getting more detailed. Occasionally, he'd ask a question, and much to his surprise, the boar answered each one correctly. He would even ask a question of his own on parts where he had difficulty understanding.
"Wow, you're... actually catching on pretty well." The fox smiled at the boar.
He nodded back at him, scratching his cheek a bit. "Yeah, well... After our little "tutoring session", I thought maybe I should try and go through some of the stuff you said that day."
"Wait, you were actually listening that whole time?"
He nodded again. "I mean, can't say I understood it at all but, yeah, I was listening."
"Really?" Kyle blinked in surprise. "Well... that's good then!"
"Yep, guess all I needed was a cutie like you to tutor me." Randy gave a sly wink and smirked at him, sending a shiver down his spine. It turned him on more than he was willing to admit.
"R-Right... anyways, let's continue."
Kyle went back to explaining the topics to him, giving a more comprehensive description once he felt he understood enough. He couldn't help smiling as they went on with their tutoring. About two hours went by as they soon finished going over what they planned on covering for the day.
"... so, yeah. That's it then. There's still some other stuff but they won't be part of next week's test, so we can leave them for another time, alright?"
The boar nodded.
He smiled and nodded back. "Good. Well... that's all for today."
"Really?" He took out his phone and looked at the time. "Dang, that didn't feel long at all."
"Well, it won't feel that way if you listen." Kyle chuckled. "Maybe next time you'll actually pay attention to class."
Randy let out a laugh and shook his head. "Yeah, no, you explain things way better than Professor Port. At least you don't sound like you're bored out of your mind and about to fall asleep in the middle of class."
He giggled. "Come on, he doesn't sound that bad."
"But he does though! I swear, his voice just sounds like this weird buzzing noise that drones on and on. Half the time I can't even make out what he's saying."
"And is the other half you just sleeping?"
"Not paying attention." He corrected him with a smug grin. "Which might include sleeping."
"Right, right." He rolled his eyes. "But uh, yeah... We're done for the day."
The two of them fell silent, smiling at each other awkwardly. Kyle looked down and fiddled with his paws while Randy started to put his books back into his bag. After a couple minutes of awkward silence, the fox spoke up once more to break it.
"Sooo uh..." He scratched the back of his neck, looking outside the study hall. "... nice weather we're having."
The boar stopped what he was doing to blink at him. "Uh, yeah? I guess."
"Y-Yeah, not too hot, not too cold. B-But I heard it might rain later tonight. Or something."
He blinked at him more before putting his bag down. "You trying to make small talk?"
"... is it working?"
He laughed out and shrugged. "Well, we're still talking, aren't we?" He put his backpack away and rested his chin on his hand, looking at Kyle with a smile. "I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you don't do that often, do you?"
He nodded slowly, looking back down on his lap. "Yeah, not really..."
The smile on his face faded to a more concerned expression. "Oh, okay." He leaned back a bit and scratched the back of his head.
Kyle shook his head and looked up to Randy. "S-Sorry, it's nothing."
"No, it's not nothing." He put his paw up. "But I won't pry, you don't have to tell me about it."
"T-Thanks..." He smiled warmly at him, and the boar did the same.
"Do you have any plans later today?"
"Huh? Oh, um... just the usual stuff, I guess."
He tilted his head. "And that is...?"
"... studying. Maybe head down to the computer shop to play something right after."
He chuckled. "Wow."
"I know, I know, not exactly the most "exciting" nights but... it's what I like to do."
"Well, would you like to do something else?"
Randy cleared his throat and flashed a confident smile at him. "Mr. Kyle I-forgot-to-ask-your-last-name... would you like to go out with me?"
Kyle's cheeks turned bright red as he blinked at him. His wide eyes clearly showing the internal screaming he was doing from hearing that question. "... e-excuse me?"
"It doesn't have to be a date. It could just be two buds, hanging out together, like all friends do."
"I-I... " He looked down at his lap, rubbing his arm nervously as he gave it some much thought. Too much thought, in the boar's opinion, but he didn't want to pressure him if he didn't want to.
"... o-okay." was all he said.
"Okay what?"
He looked back up to him and nodded. "O-Okay, l-let's go."
"Great." He huffed his bag up as he stood. Kyle followed suit, hastily putting his books and papers into his bag.
"Um... where are we going?"
"To eat!" Randy smiled at him and gave his belly a gentle pat. "All that studying made me hungry, and I know just the place."
He led the way out of the study hall with Kyle following behind him. They made their way through the campus, across the street and down a few blocks to a small Japanese ramen place. It was quite popular during the day, with lots of students coming in and out to have some place to eat and hang out with friends. Thankfully, it wasn't as crowded as the two arrived and found an empty table fairly quick.
"I love coming here." Randy said as he sat down.
Kyle nodded in agreement, taking the seat in front of him. "It's pretty nice. Also cheap, so... glad you chose this."
He chuckled and shook his head. "Don't worry about paying, it's my treat."
"Mmhmm, take it as a thank you for the tutoring earlier." He let out a low growl and leaned in close to whisper. "Also for all our... "private" sessions together."
A shiver went down Kyle's back, letting out a nervous laugh as he looked away to hide the blush on his face. Randy chuckled as he sat back. He could never get tired of seeing his face turn all red.
"So, what are you getting?"
"Mmm, I dunno. Uhhh... I'll go with the medium chicken bowl."
"Nice. Think I'll get that too."
They gave their orders to the server and waited, soon falling quiet again.
Kyle fiddled with his paws as he looked around. It was fairly empty. Only a couple of other students were around besides the two of them. He didn't mind it though. He enjoyed the silence.
Randy quietly watched him, his head resting on his hand with his elbow leaning on the table as he smiled. The fox soon caught him staring, blushing slightly as he turned to him.
"Nothing." He chuckled. "What's on your mind?"
He shrugged and rubbed his arm. "N-Nothing really."
The boar tilted his head curiously. "Doesn't sound like nothing."
The fox chuckled and shrugged again. "It's just... I don't do this that often."
"What, you don't eat? Hard to tell given how... nice and big you are." He flicked his tongue at him teasingly.
"N-Not that!" He blushed and sighed softly. "You know, just... hanging out like this."
"What do you do then? Besides, studying anyways. I know you do that a lot."
He rubbed his chin and thought. "I dunno, just go on the computer. Watch random stuff. Play random stuff."
"By yourself?"
He nodded and looked down.
Randy leaned back and cleared his throat. "Oh, sorry."
"N-No, it's fine." Kyle sighed and looked back up to him. "I... don't have a lot of friends. Well, not any that I really hang out with like this."
He nodded at him as he listened. "That must get lonely though."
"It does, but I've learned to enjoy my own company."
"Well, that's good." He smiled. "I enjoy your company too."
The fox chuckled.
The server came by and served them their bowls. The rich smell of the broth filled the air. They ate their meals in silence, though Randy livened things up by asking a question or two, especially since he was aware Kyle wasn't the best at talking.
"How could you not like summer?"
"Cause it's too hot! And I don't like the hot."
"Pfft, you're just saying that cause you stay inside all the time."
"What do you mean? It's hotter outside than inside!"
An hour or so passed by with the two conversing while they ate. The sun had already begun to set. The restaurant's patrons had left by then, except for the two of them.
"... so, yeah, I'm probably never doing that again." Kyle said, finishing his bowl.
"Yeaaahh, I'd probably say the same too, after something like that happened." Randy took a sip of his water. "Still, maybe the next time you try will be better."
"Oh, I don't doubt that. The bar's been set pretty low." He chuckled and leaned back on his chair. "I... guess I'm just scared to go alone."
"Well, don't worry. I'll go with you."
"Y-You will...?"
"Yeah, sure, why not?" He smiled at him. "What are friends for?"
Kyle smiled back and chuckled.
They paid for their meals and left the building.
"S-So um..." The fox rubbed his arm as he walked ahead. "What do you wanna do now?"
"I dunno." The boar shrugged as he walked beside him. "We could go back to the dorm. What about you?"
"Well..." As they crossed the street, they passed by the public park. A smile grew on his face as he turned to him, gesturing towards it with his head. "How about we just go take a walk?"
He chuckled and nodded. "Fine by me."
The park wasn't too crowded, which Kyle loved. He'd occasionally take walks to clear his head after long hours of studying. The sky had turned to a nice mix of red, orange and yellow as the sun was setting. They made some more small talk as they walked along the path. The area was decorated with flowers and shrubbery.
"... seriously? Here?"
"Yeah! Well, it was actually over there-" Randy pointed at a spot, but Kyle shook his head and closed his eyes, ignoring the direction he was pointing at.
"N-Nope! I-I don't even want to know!"
After some more walking, they sat down on a bench near a water fountain. Kyle leaned back and let out a sigh, closing his eyes. The gentle sound of the fountain's water running helped put him at ease. Randy looked to him with a warm smile, leaning back to do the same. They sat there for a while, enjoying the silence.
His eyes opened as he turned towards him. "Yeah?"
"... thanks."
He chuckled. "For what?"
"Y-You know, for... this." He opened his eyes and smiled at the boar. "For going out with me."
He chuckled more and shrugged. "It's no big deal, Glad you enjoyed yourself."
He let out a soft laugh and closed his eyes again, letting out another sigh.
Randy looked around the park as he yawned, stretching his arms out and wrapping one around Kyle. He jumped as he felt the boar gently pull him in close, looking up to him. His face had gotten a slight red. He smiled sheepishly and scooted closer, gently resting his head against him as he felt his hand rub his shoulder, closing his eyes once more. He then felt his head rest against his. Randy lightly nuzzled the fox, holding him close against his body while a bright smile beamed down at him.
It was a nice change of pace to their usual raunchy acts, and to Kyle's surprise, Randy himself quite liked it as well. It had been a long while since either of them just spent time with someone else, hanging out, eating together, and just enjoying each other's company. The two of them sat on that park bench while they cuddled up against each other. Soon, the sky's bright colors turned dim as night fell. They left the park and made their walk back to the dorm, taking the elevator up to their floor and went down the hall to Kyle's room.
"S-So, um... that was nice." He smiled awkwardly at Randy as they stood by his door.
He chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Indeed it was."
"Y-Yeah, hehe." He unlocked the door and stepped inside, turning back to him to say one more goodbye, though was instead met by the boar giving him a soft kiss on the lips. His eyes went wide and his face turned red.
"O-Oh..." was all he said.
Randy let out a laugh and smiled at him. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"
He nodded back, his cheeks still blushed red. He watched as the boar walk down the hall to his own room.
Kyle closed the door, leaning back against it and let out a contented sigh, a wide smile on his face as he felt all giddy inside.
That moment was shortly ruined however as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Taking it out, he checked the message to see that Randy had texted him. He could only shake his head and giggle in response.
"or maybe i'll see you later tonight instead. your place or mine? ;3"