01: In Den Beginne

Dag 1 Heb je wel eens dat je met je bord de trap op loopt terwijl je onderweg was naar de vaatwas? Of dat je op je werk aankomt maar niet kan herinneren hoe je er heen bent gereden? Je hersenen lijken even onderbewust bezig te zijn, en jij kan...


Poetry Commission - Switch

Tom, dit gedicht is voor jou, voor het geschenk dat jij mij hebt gegeven, en het leven dat ik wil delen met jou. Bradley. There once were two souls, broken and full of grief. Two people who endured so much, and only wanted some relief. A...

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lief blozende Wolf - sweet blushing wolf

\*petting and licks\* \*hugs and holds\* Loving gestures said, a bond nowhere sold. Strange how it works, how people are able to connect. How us two individuals, feel like a match so perfect. And one day you wake up, unable to eat....

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Void, of emotions, of feelings, of compassion, of guild. Void, of a soul. For as long as I know, I've needed to fill, the part that is gone, that left me incomplete, and created this void. Filling it with attention, left me unwanted....

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Empty smiles

Surrounded by people, smiling, laughing, over things that, don't even matter. I hate them, I envy them, they feel fulfilled, with nothing at all. Why can't I feel, like I am needed? My life has no meaning, no place on this world. Still I am...

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Feelings around the world

I have someone close, someone near my heart. Someone who's always with me, even though we are apart. Someone who makes me smile, who cares for me so that I find, Someone that's there for me, comforting me with her mind. When she came to me to...

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The Wish

What if by this odd chance, and this is out of the blue; You where allowed any single wish, and that one wish would come true. Would you ask for money, for wealth and success? Or would you chose prosperity, health, just ask for a bless? Would...

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I thought that I knew you

I thought that I knew you, and the things that you did; Yet when I get closer, you behave like a kid. About how some people, haven't always been fair; Like mistreated your feelings and haven't always been there. So I lend you my shoulder, and...

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I'm on my back, looking at the clouds. They are floating, free in the wind. Staring into nothingness, I wonder in my mind. How it would be, to be floating myself. I would go to faraway places, see the wonders of the world. Explore the...

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I am a wolf, here the only one of my kind. I belong nowhere in between, Was heard by no one As a puppy, I was ostracized everyone around me found me strange. Red coat and other ideas, I was the odd man out here. I searched for con specifics...

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