To my mother, Who loved me unconditionally no matter who (or what) I turned out to be. Ah, the trip to the doctors office. Many fear the doctors more than they fear a dentist, but not me. I have seen the inside of an OR so many times it cracks me...
It was a very cold day in January. Despite the cold outdoors it was nice and warm in the third floor of the school. For whatever reason I had noticed that while the algebra classes were very warm year round, all other classes were kept very cold. Even...
The Guardian
It was a sunny Friday afternoon. Middle of June, it was beginning to feel uncomfortably hot as each day seemed to crawl slowly on. It was a heat wave; it had reached a record high for early June, 35 degrees centigrade. If the heat wave did not kill...
The Choice
Field trips were my favorite part of junior high school. Didn't matter if it was 10 minutes or 2 hours away, it was a chance to get out of doing work. Sure there was some work to be done once we got back, but this particular field trip was an over...
Humanity Gone
Waking up has always been a chore for me. Especially since I have been dreaming a lot. I can remember the times when I enjoyed thinking about my dreams, but the memories are too painful. I already knew what this one meant; it meant I would have to...
A Real Friend
Max stared up at the starlit sky with his green eyes. His parents would be extremely mad if he was caught outside this late, but it was too dark for anyone to see him out on the roof. Max had just moved and didn't have any friends to hang out with or...
Lonely Christmas
Why do all of the rotten things happen to me? I thought that it was the other way around. 'Do good and good things will come to you,' yeah, Bull. I hold the door for someone; the next person slams it in my face. I give someone lunch money, I don't...
Animal I have Become
At first I didn't remember how it happened. I lay there, not a care for the rest of the world around me. Were my friends still there? Looking at my malformed body? Were they like me? So many unanswered questions I had, no one to answer them but me. I...
Too Ordinary
I stood there for the better part of five minutes, half admiring him, half scoping him out. I couldn't get it through my head why, why have I been cursed with my fathers creeping abilities. For whatever reason he was good at sneaking around the house,...
An Applauding Transformation
"Next please!" the lady at the desk said I was third in a big line-up of people who wanted to be the schools new mascot. Our school's sports team is The Middleton Junior High Wolves, my friend Ted had always teased me about how I should join a...
Sibling Transformations
This was the day, my life changed forever. It all started on Sunday night, when I was walking home from a late-night baseball game with my friends. It was dark, and warm. My brown hair was kept out of my face by the light breeze. I was panting and...