The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 1: A cry for help?
The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 1: A cry for help? It had been a three months since they had defeated the dark master. They had become close friends since. They hadn't changed much since then so they looked the same. Spyro and...
Chapter 34: Paving the Way
Part 7: The Final Push Chapter 34: Paving the Way Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 6, 2204 1135 Hours New Dragon Temple, Warfang Clouds passed overhead as calm winds slapped into the side of the dragon temple, adding to the calm of the...
Chapter 33: The Counter Offensive
Chapter 33: The Counter Offensive Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 6, 2204 0845 Hours New Dragon Temple, Warfang Nighthawks flew above the temple and towards the city, many buildings destroyed or damaged from the constant fighting. Distant...
Chapter 32: The Talisman
Chapter 32: The Talisman Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 5, 2204 1547 Hours South of the Wolf Den They group walked along the grassy path they had taken to get to the beach, the water still in site as they climbed up the hill that went back...
Chapter 31: A Helping Hand
Chapter 31: A Helping Hand Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 5, 2204 1156 Hours Swampy Outcrop "Ew... this stuff is dripping from the trees..." Aaron said as he lifted his foot from the muck, bring up a whole assortment of various colored...
Chapter 30: A Day at the Beach
Chapter 30: A Day at the Beach Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 15, 2204 0823 Hours Outskirts of Warfang The sun broke through the dark grey clouds that had occupied the sky above Warfang for just a bit. This bit had been long enough,...
Chapter 29: Back to Square One
Part 6: The Long Struggle Chapter 29: Back to Square One Dragon Realms, Uncharted System May 14, 2204 1022 Hours Landing Zone Bravo, Dragon City of Warfang Dust cleared from the small concrete pad as the helicopter landed, the massive rotors...
Chapter 28: Just like Old Times
Chapter 28: Just like Old Times Dragon Realms, Uncharted System April 17, 2204 0823 Hours Unknown Location We are all slaves. We toil, all our lives. For what? For our freedom? Our rights? Our lives? Sometimes, we don't even...
Chapter 27: The Dragon City of Dale
Chapter 27: The Dragon City of Dale Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 12, 2204 1421 Hours Nighthawk bound for Dale Spyro sat with the others silently. His wings were stressed and tired, especially after this morning. Ever since they plucked...
Chapter 26: The Road South
Chapter 26: The Road South Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 11, 2204 1324 Hours Rally Point The Marines retreated along the path, ushered on by the mysterious figure. The loud winds slapped against the soldiers as they dashed towards their...
Chapter 25: The Beginning of the End
Chapter 25: The Beginning of the End Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 11, 2204 0924 Hours Dragon City of Warfang Yahade ran with Sondohwa as they dashed through the halls of the Dragon Temple, trying to find an exit. They hadn't...
Chapter 24: Hidden Truths
Chapter 24: Hidden Truths Dragon Realms, Uncharted System March 11, 2204 1107 Hours Sinkhole beneath the Dragon City of Gale The drop ship hit the ground with a thump as it skid across a concrete base and came to a halt as the emergency...