Chapter 28: Just like Old Times
#28 of The Spyro Chronicles SE
Chapter 28: Just like Old Times Dragon Realms, Uncharted System April 17, 2204 0823 Hours Unknown Location
We are all slaves.
We toil, all our lives.
For what?
For our freedom? Our rights? Our lives?
Sometimes, we don't even realize it. We may be free, but we are all slaves. Slaves to ourselves...
Spyro's vision was dizzy. He could hardly see anything that was going on. What he did know was that he was moving. Though, it wasn't him though, he was being... dragged? Yes, he was! Someone was dragging him and he was upside down. He felt nothing however, most of his body numb. He himself was in a daze, almost like a stupor. He could tell the walls around him were brown, small globs of orange of what he would suppose would be fire sticks to illuminate paths.
Blurred figures entered and exited his field of vision, going back and forth. The globs didn't resemble dragons, nor the Human Marines. Something was wrong... what happened...
Spyro remembered what happened. He remembered it all. He was in a battle, defending Gale. No... it was Dale! That's right! He was fighting Fang alone... no.... with Cynder! They were fighting and something happened... and explosion! They were knocked into the water, beyond that, he didn't know. What happened to Gale, wait, Dale? Where were his friends? Did they win?
It was hard to think straight, things were still a blur to him... a very big blur... His vision was starting to clear up a bit more, he could see that he was in a cave and his first assumption was correct. The creatures around him were not Humans or Dragons or even Cheetahs. They were Jaguars, Swines, Reptilians, some bug like creatures and several other species that Spyro didn't even recognize. He did see the black armor that they wore, along with other hand crafted armor. He knew already, these were friendly soldiers, and he was in no friendly place.
Spyro felt himself being thrown and he grunted as he hit the ground and felt it as he looked around. He was in a cell of some sorts. He felt a bit more feeling in his body know, and his vision was clear again. The creature who had dragged him there shut a cell door and Spyro grunted, shaking his head to get more oriented.
He stood up and looked around more. His cell was big enough for him to venture around in, 2 walls were made of rock walls, one wall being a cell door and another being bars. His cell was obviously on the corner as hallways were outside the barred walls. There were more cells wherever he looked, various creatures inside of them. They didn't seem like prisoners like him, being from the Alliance as it was referred to. He was a Prisoner of War. These others... they seemed like menacing creatures that'd be deployed on the battlefield, but not too smart to let roam freely in a structure without it eating their own soldiers. Others that were in the cells looked to be other creatures that looked like crooks within their own ranks, or just people who had crossed these guys.
Whoever they were, they weren't friendly. Spyro sighed and sat in his cell. He looked up and blinked for a second. He saw something black in the cell opposite to him. Getting up, he ran to the bars and saw that the black figure was a dragon, chained to the wall. He looked harder, and he realized, it was Cynder! She was here too! She was knocked out though... and chained to a wall... he hoped she was alright... She had cut and bruise marks all over her, as if she had been through several battles, one after the other.
Looking at himself, he realized he wasn't any better. His entire body was riddled with wounds and other scratches and cuts. He didn't remember doing anything since the battle with Fang! Did he and she really get all these injuries from him? As he felt more of his body coming to, he felt pain throbbing from each wound. These were defiantly fresh wounds... Though some felt older, and looked it too. It couldn't have been long since the battle with Fang... where did all these come from? What was going on? How long had he been out?
Spyro tried to think harder, what had happened? How the hell was he here in the first place? How did they get captured? Something was amiss... Sighing, Spyro sat down in the corner and closed his eyes. He was very tired for some reason. Without much thought, he fell into a deep sleep.
April 22, 2204 1423 Hours Unknown Location
Cynder awoke to the harsh clanging of metal chains. She groaned and looked up, her vision blurred. Her memory came to as well, and she wondered how long she had been out. The cell walls, she had seen them time and time again. She'd be conscious enough to know what was going on, then be out for maybe 5 days. She had done things within those days but had no recollection of what had happened. If she was right, her and Spyro had been in these cells for... a very long time... she wasn't sure how they ended up there, or the purpose... though she had her suspicions...
She saw the guards unlock Spyro's cell. They grabbed him and dragged him off somewhere. She had seen him dragged off frequently and knew just what they were doing to him... she knew that they were doing the same things to him as they were to her...
She hadn't seen him awake yet though. He was always dragged to his cell, knocked out cold. She doubted he had been conscious since the battle with Fang. Though she knew that somehow she was accumulating injuries without her being conscious either... so something was up... Nevertheless, ever since they got here who knows how long ago, they had been doing things to them... terrible things... experiments and she didn't know just what they were... oh no... a guard was coming to unlock her cell... she knew what to expect.
The guard opened the cell door and snarled something to her in a strange tongue. She glared a bit but he reached in and grabbed her without her putting up much of a fight. She knew that it was pointless to fight back. The wound on her thigh that was still healing was proof of that. The guard placed a chain around her neck and lead her from the cell and through the cave that was the citadel. They walked for a while before they reached a large wooden door that slid open. Cynder was kicked into an opened up area, being massive and circular in shape. It was an arena. Hundreds of creatures lined up in stands carved out of the stone and wooden tiers that held up the area. Cheers and chats flew through, though not for her, she already knew that by now. This was to be expected now. Every waking moment she was taken here practically. Taken here to test new monsters, new creatures. Thankfully, none of them had passed, for she was still alive.
A few items were thrown at her, a glass bottle smashed next to her, sharp pieces hitting her scales and some puncturing her skin. She cringed in pain but marched on, knowing she'd die here if she didn't try hard enough.
The opposing gate opened up and a creature snarled and walked out. It was a large canine creature with armor. It resembled a canine through it's overall anatomy, but was very much bulkier then a canine. It growled at her and she glared. The creature charged at her at a pace that she had trouble following. She was immediately knocked into the ground and grunted, slowly getting back up.
The canine sniffed the air and turned to her, snarling again. She grunted and flapped her wings in defiance. The canine snarled and rushed again. This time she used her shadow ability to dig into the ground, a cloud of black smoke where she once was. The canine blew through the smoke and snarled, seeing his target had vanished.
Cynder lurched upwards from underneath, knocking the yelping canine into the and onto the ground. The canine threw itself back up, looking around and sniffing the air for Cynder. Cynder lashed her tail, sending a wave of air that slammed into the canine and caused it to slam into the arena's walls. Boos and other insults came down to the dragoness as she whipped her tail and flapped her wings, flying at the creature. It slowly got back up but she didn't give it a chance to react.
She grabbed onto it and sank her tail deep into its back, the creature trashing while under her. Finally it let out a wail as it stopped trashing, blood oozing from its wound. She retracted her tail and slowly got off. She had won, for now.
Guards entered from one side of the arena and grabbed Cynder, she not putting up a fight anymore. As they dragged her out of the arena, she sighed. This was almost a day to day routine now. She felt weak, yet powerful for some reason. Every waking moment she could remember it was like this. She'd fight in the arena, win, guards would take her somewhere and she'd be knocked out.
She was right about the knock out part. She looked up and saw a soldier above her, holding a spear. He used the butt end of it and slammed it against Cynder's head. She was out immediately. The warriors dragged her body down the hall and through another set of doors.
Spyro was in a daze once again. He felt himself being moved but couldn't move his limbs. He was being dragged again, no surprise there. He felt himself being tossed to the ground and skidding to a halt. He groaned and found he could move his arms and legs now. He got up shakily and saw that he was in an arena. Just like Cynder had before, there were hundreds of enemy combatants sitting in stands along the arena's edges.
Spyro walked in more, thinking on how this arena reminded him of the one aboard the pirate ship that he had been on, years ago. He had a pretty good idea of where this was going...
Just as he had thought, a door on the other end of the arena burst open and gladiator-like soldiers ran into the arena. They snarled as they held gleaming swords and armor. They charged the purple dragon and Spyro grunted as he managed to find some strength left to fight with, it not being much, but just enough.
He leapt into the air, kicking the two initial attackers and spun around, using his tail to whip against the next batch of soldiers to attack him. Dust flew from his movements and clouded the area around him, the sunlight from above and the outside world pouring into the arena. A cirtain level of mystique fell upon the purple dragon as he slashed out with an ice attack and landed on the ground, eying his attackers.
Undaunted, they charged head on.
Spyro huffed and called upon his energy once more to ensnare an attacker in his horns and use him as a shield from other gladiators. Swords were cut into the soldier and he was hit multiple times from other attackers. Finally, Spyro tossed him into the crowd of enemies with one good kick.
The group of soldiers grunted and tried to get back up. Spyro didn't give them a chance. He opened his maw and used fire, but a beam of black energy shot forth from his muzzle. He was surprised as the energy, unlike before, didn't require much effort from him physically. Before, he strained himself to maintain a stream. Now, it felt as easy as softly blowing out.
This surprised, and scared him. A few moments ago he had been weak. Where did this sudden upsurge in energy come from? Really, he didn't care. If it meant beating these guys so they didn't kill him, then for the moment, he didn't care.
The beam obliterated the soldiers, some being disintegrated on the spot. Those that weren't vaporized by the intense beam of super heated dark energy were soldering and black corpses that littered the arena.
Spyro breathed for a moment, looking up the crowd and then back down. Suddenly he felt something inside of him snap, and a burst of pain surged through his head. He grunted and fell to the ground, gripping his head. The door behind him opened and more soldiers came out. These restrained him and put a chain around his neck, carrying him away.
Spyro struggled but the pain was just too much. He gave up and allowed them to carry him off, walking with them. A new set of doors opened up in front of him and he saw machinery of some kind, dead bodies, probably the ones he had killed, though some were probably from other battles that obviously happened here.
He saw a table ahead of him and Spyro was thrown onto the table harshly. As he tried to get back up, he felt that he was chained to the table. Trying to get away, the chains were too strong and he felt that sudden burst of energy now gone.
He felt something pierce into his scales and his eyelids drooped. He slowly faded from consciousness as he felt something come into his blood stream. He felt a cold wave flow through him and he was out black.
April 26, 2204 1723 Hours
Cynder awoke with a daze. She grumbled as she sat up slightly, a bit of blood on the floor, her blood. The afternoon sun was setting over the land, its orange hue casting itself over the openings in the cave like area. She sighed and saw that there was food there for her. She walked over and picked it up, nibbling at it. It tasted awful, yet it was all she had. She didn't know how long she had been out this time, probably a few days. The longest she was out was a week, though she forgot how she found out.
There was a dank smell of sweat in the air, which made her wince. She grunted and coughed, continuing to eat the food she had. The stale bread and cold slop would have made her throw up but to her, not eating after a few days it tasted awesome to her.
She finished it and sighed, sitting down as a calm wind flowed through the cave. How long was she going to be here? How long would she have to keep fighting? She looked over to Spyro's cell and saw that it was empty. He was probably at the arena, fighting.
A thud caught her attention. She looked and saw a guard scream and fall. A beam of purple energy cut through beams nearby and a bit of dirt fell as well as rocks from the cave walls.
She tried to see what wpas going on but more guards silenced what was going on farther away. The noises calmed down but she figured something had happened to Spyro, he was at the arena, wasn't he? Hopefully whatever battle he was in, he was winning. At least she hoped. She sighed and lied her head down. Before she could fall asleep however, she heard guards walking to her cell and unlocking her door. She groaned. Another arena fight. How fun...
She got up and didn't offer resistance as the guard placed a chain around her neck and carried her off. However, they did not go towards the arena. Instead, they headed towards a throne-like room. Purple fires were lit all around her in the dungeon like area. There was a seat at the end of the room where a large black figure sat. It was the Dark Master. It was Malefor.
"Greetings Cynder. It's been a while since we've had a nice 1 on 1 chat..."
"There is nothing to chat about..." She said coldly, glaring.
"Oh really now..."
"You used me! You used everyone to get what you wanted!"
"Are you sure Cynder? Is that how you really feel, or is it just that you've been around your friend Spyro so long that your true incentives, your true motives, have become clouded and now are just a 'memory'. "
She glared at this.
"You are so willing to disobey your master... after all I've given you?! All I've done?!"
"All you've done is have me a slave my entire life!"
"A slave? To what? Your true ambitions? Dear Cynder, when I made you what you were, I didn't 'corrupt' you at all... I only gave you the power... and your ambitions and true desire for power drove you to what you were... I didn't make you evil, you did."
She growled at this statement, but scowled. He had been correct. As much as she hated to admit it, he hadn't really made her evil. She had just... told herself that all these years to make it sound better. Her lust for power caused her to make the stupid mistake of bringing him back... a mistake she now was regretting...
"Dear Cynder... I thank you for bringing me back the first time and now here we are again. You and that 'legend' are chained and under my command..."
"Leave Spyro alone."
"Oh, your little boyfriend hmm? I'm afraid not... he has yet to see just what the 'Purple Dragon' is capable of... and what they are meant to do..."
"They are meant to lead the creatures into peace!" "They are meant to awaken the true power beneath the ground here, and bring all under one banner to usher peace..."
"Awaken the weapon?! Are you crazy?! What good could possibly come from it?!"
"Besides holding the most powerful raw weapon ever devised? About having the power to cleanse everything and start anew? I assure you Cynder, the weapon cannot eliminate everything, but can do a great deal enough damage to do some good to this falling apart world... and several others..."
"Buy why?!"
"Because, the Purple Dragons are the keepers of the Great Weapon! Did you not think I already knew about the weapon? Knew what it was capable of?! None of the civilizations before were worthy to behold the weapon, and were too corrupt and too destructive to... it is why they were cleansed from the world... and the weapon sealed until it's true master could arise, me! I will use the weapon to its full potential, and use the key to unlock the weapon's grand power!"
"We wont let you! We'll stop you!"
"You think you really stand a chance?! You and that purple hero? You two can't do anything, your Human friends can't stop me, nor can their adversaries, the Lakadors! They will all fail!"
"No, we can still stop you!" She proclaimed.
The Dark Master merely chuckled.
"You cannot stop what has been written. You are both under my control. There's nothing you can do to stop it. Enjoy your stay Cynder... you wont be long for here... I have a nice place for you waiting up North, might even garrison an army under you."
"I'll never fight for you again!"
"You say that now..." As he said this, guards took her and dragged her back to her cell. They tossed her inside and shut the cell doors, the torches usually lit now dormant and the hallway an eerie black. She curled up and tried to fall back to sleep.
May 13, 2204 0932 Hours
The days flowed like leaves in the wind. The rising and setting of the sun became ritual, and time flowed by. The days grew shorter and shorter, almost like a blink, and they were gone. Cynder remembered just how fragile things were... especially to this nature... Cities...entire families... lives... gone, in the blink of an eye. She thought back to what Malefor had said to her in the chamber... He was right. He had done little in warping her mind and enslaving her mind. He had given her power... and that lust for power... that love for destruction and evil... she craved it.
It's why she awaked the Dark Master the second time... she wanted that power back... she just loved how it felt... to crush her opponents in her claws... destroying anything that opposed her, to dare stand in her way. It was... awesome power... no, no it wasn't right. She was with the Alliance now. Fighting for the salvation of the dragons and all others. There was no room for... power... no matter how good it may have felt...
She used her claw to doodle something in the dirt beneath her. She hadn't seen the outside in so long... she just wanted out of this place. She wanted to see Spyro again... she missed him. She had really grown attached to him in their time together. She just... felt connected to him. She felt that she was supposed to be there... to help him out... but now she didn't even know if she could trust herself...
She'd just have to make due for now... see what she could do. They had to stop the Dark Master.,. they had to stop him... his army... all of this... But how? She was shackled and too weak to fight. She hadn't seen Spyro in a long time now, a week or two, she lost count a while ago.
Now she just wondered if they'd ever leave this place. This dungeon... they'd been in it for a long time. Too long... It felt like an eternity ago that they were back at the new dragon temple in Warfang. It had been over a month...
They had to escape. Get out somehow, if only they weren't encaged and weak... At some points she could hardly stand. She wouldn't be able to get through these chains, let alone passed all the guards that roamed the halls and sneered at her, sometimes even spitting at her. That foul odor still hung in the air, but at least now she didn't feel like throwing up anymore. Now, she just felt a bit light headed from time to time. Her only real breath of fresh air were the arena fights.
She heard the all too familiar sounds of chain rattling and she turned to see a guard approaching, sneering at her as he unlocked her cell and dragged her out. It was time for yet another arena fight. She didn't put up any resistance, saving all her energy for the arena fight. The guard dragged her until they reached the gateway to the arena where he tossed her in and she groaned as she got back up. She shook her head softly, getting focused while walking slowly into the arena. The regular creatures populated the seats around her, and the usual voice blared on, talking about her opponent for today.
The opposite gate opened and a figure walked out. Smoke clouded her vision as she looked on. It was a lone figure, this might be easy. The figure approached and walked into the sunlight. The orange light reflected off of the creature's purple scales, causing a slight fuzz around them. Golden horns shined brilliantly, even as dust stirred up from around them blew onto them. That familiar golden chest bulged with muscles and strength, and a familiar face stirred Cynder out of her trance-like state.
It was Spyro, the dragon.
"Cynder?" Spyro asked, as if noticing her for the first time.
"Spyro! You're ok!"
"Cynder, where are we? What's going on? Spyro asked. Obviously he hadn't had that 'meeting' with the Dark Master.
"We're being held captive..." She said softly.
"Well, that much I figured out..." Spyro said while looking around at the creatures around him.
Howls of disapproval flew through the air as the creatures desired a fight, and guards lined the edges to make sure it happened.
"We've got to get out of here Spyro, the Dark Master is planning on doing terrible things, we have to stop him!"
"I... I don't know if I can leave..." Spyro said softly.
"What?! Why not?"
"I feel strange... weak even... I don't know if I can fight on..." He said.
"You have to Spyro! We have to get out of here, and fast!"
Spyro grunted a bit as he shook his head, trying to stay focused.
"I feel strange Cynder... maybe your right... maybe we should leave..."
"Yes, come on! Let's get out of here, and fast!"
They flapped their wings, hoping to swoop out of the arena since there was no roof to it, a straight shot out.
Cynder flapped her wings and took to the skies, but Spyro grunted and fell back down to the ground.
"Spyro!" She swooped back down to get him to his feet but he felt cold. His eyelids were sealed shut and he was grunting and groaning as if in severe pain.
"Spyro, are you alright, say something!"
"Cynder..." He said calmly, a bit of anger in it.
"Spyro...?" She asked, backing up as he started to shake. What had they done to him? She felt a powerful darkness emanating from him, causing a ping of fear within her.
She backed up as Spyro stood back up, a face of anger on him. His eyes were glowing a bright white and his body giving off a dark aura. He snarled and looked at her, his face contorting.
"Spyro...?" She asked. He snarled and charged her. She leapt out of the way and regained her posture. Spyro skid on the ground and turned around sharply, putting her in his sights again. He rushed a second time. This time Cynder whipped her tail to push him away. He flew but landed on all fours and skidded for a bit before going again at her. This time he opened his maw and a bright beam of purple energy sparked from his muzzle and hit Cynder dead in the chest. She screamed and hit the back wall.
She grunted and struggled to get back up. That hit was hard, and it sapped a bit of her only remaining strength. Her vision was blurred as she saw the dark aura surrounding Spyro as he approached her.
He looked just like he had before... on the night of eternal darkness... and in the Burned Lands... Now he was here. This time he was different though... Each time before Spyro seemed to have some sort of grip on himself. Some... tether to his 'dark' self. Now... he was just gone completely.
Spyro snarled and rushed again, trying to impale her on his horns. She came too and flapped her wings, sailing upwards. He smashed into the wall and repelled, looking back up at her to lock back on. He kept a glare on her as she went back and landed on the arena floor near the center. He trotted and then charged again, going faster then she thought possible.
Cynder raised her tail defensively.
"I don't want to do this Spyro! Stop!" It was too late. Spyro sailed to fast at her and caught the sharp end of her tail. The blade tipped tail sliced into the purple dragon, causing him to snarl and recoil. Blood dripped from a pierce wound to his leg.
"Spyro, I'm so sorry!" She said, alarmed.
He merely roared and leapt after her again.
She dashed to the side, getting out of his way. He got her however, his tail wrapping around her hind leg and dragging her to the ground. He clawed at her, using his sharp talons to rip at her scales. She kicked him off and used a burst of wind to push him away. She couldn't use any of her other elements... it'd be too risky. Spyro got back up and panted a bit before forming another ball of superheated dark energy in his maw. She could see that unlike the last one, this one would really leave a mark...
He fired the beam and she dodged, the area behind her exploding from the force of the energy. The super heated dark energy scorched the land and he snarled, charging another blast to hit her. She took to the skies and flew around, avoiding each blast as he fired them in succession. He finally stopped and flew up to meet her, slamming into her. She used wind to push him back and form a shield but he went straight at her, hitting the shield and trying to smash through it with his claws.
He finally growled louder and roared, hitting her with another blast of energy. The dark energy hit her shield and blasted through it, hitting her before she realized what was going on. The beam pushed her headlong into the wall behind her and she slumped to the ground. Spyro landed in front of her, snarling. Spyro shuddered though, his energy being depleted. His scales returned to their purple state and his eyes faded back to the way they were before. He returned to being Spyro.
Spyro fell out of the harsh trance and came to to see Cynder slumped against the wall, black smoke rising from her chest where he had hit her.
"Cynder...?" He asked softly, approaching her. He reached out with a paw after she failed to answer. He touched her scales, brushing his talon against her. Her body was cold, a deathly cold. Scared, he called out again.
"Cynder? Are you alright?"
She moved slightly, but her body was still cold. She was beaten up. Had he... done this to her? What did he do? This was horrible...
"Spyro..." She said. He backed up as he saw an aura surround her. Something wasn't right. What was happening? She stood up and looked at him. Her green eyes were now a pale white and a black mist flowed around her. She looked just like she did when they were at Malefor's lair. She was corrupted again.
She looked at him with a sinister smile. He backed up again, this time with a bit of fear.
"Where're you going?" She asked, her voice horribly contorted and corrupt.
"Cynder, what happened?! What have they done to you, to us?!"
"Done? They've done nothing... only given us power!"
She lunged and struck him with her razor sharp tail. He cringed and flew back. Had he done the same? What was going on?! He used fire to form a shield as she struck again, he disbanding it.
"Cynder don't do this! You're better then this! I know you!" He said.
She smiled at him. The power, it felt great! How could she have thought otherwise?! How could she have been a fool! THIS was what she craved! THIS is what she wanted! She would enjoy every moment of it too...
She struck him with her paw and sent him back a bit from the force.
"Cynder, please!" He pleaded again.
She screeched and attacked again, hitting his arm and cutting him. He cringed at the hit and stepped backwards, trying to get away. This wasn't good. He didn't want to harm her... He just wanted to stop her... but how?
As he was pondering she struck again and slammed him against a wall. She flicked her tail and gave him a cut on his arm, causing a spike of pain to flow through his body. She released him and grabbed her head. Something was happening to her, much like what had happened to him. However she shook it off and came at him again. She charged him and he grunted, trying to defend himself.
In a split second, she was knocked into the dirt and he opened his eyes, he had been unharmed. A shield he had unknowingly put up slowly deteriorated, and Spyro was left stumped. Had he made that shield? How did he do it? What was going on?! He grunted and grasped at his wound on his arm, blood slowly seeping out. Cynder awoke from her power craze, opening her eyes. She got up shakily and saw Spyro injured before her.
"Spyro?" She asked softly. Had she done that to him? Did she really... do that in her... her power craze...? A powerful feeling of guilt overcame her as she looked at the ground.
"Cynder..." Was all Spyro could say before he fell over unconscious. Guards came and retrieved him, taking him back down into the cells. They took her as well, throwing her back into her cell. Night slowly came upon the caves. A dimly lit torch gave Cynder a little light in which to think. She had hurt Spyro... and all that power... it had felt wonderful... she couldn't stop herself... she was a horrible person...
She cried softly, burying her face into her paws as she sat on the ground. A new sound stirred her from her crying. She looked up, seeing the guards place someone new inside the cells. She looked more and saw that the person was a Human Marine. The soldier was only in his uniform, no armor or weapon. He looked at her for a good while after they tossed him in his cell and he looked as if he was doing something, but she couldn't see. The Marine didn't say much and remained quiet as he sat in his cell and she sat in hers. Cynder returned to her crying and let sleep take her.
Spyro sat in his cell in the darkest parts of the dungeon. He drew in the dirt with his claw, not much else he could do. He wondered just what he had done to Cynder back in the arena. He tried to think hard... His mind had just been so consumed in darkness, he couldn't tell anything apart. He felt so distant... so out of place. Nothing was making any sense whatsoever. The Dark Master awakening the weapon? According to Rithul, they, the purple dragons were the Guardians of the Weapon, but if they were a Guardian, why was Malefor going to use the weapon, wipe out all existence? These were even darker times then before...
He only hopped Cynder was ok where was. He wished he knew where she was... but he was stuck in his cell. He sighed sadly and lied his head down to rest. Tomorrow was sure to be filled with the same thing over and over. When would it end...
May 14, 2204 0534 Hour
Spyro was flying through the air, soaring higher then ever. Suddenly his wings were gone and he crashed hard onto the ground. Grunting, he tried to get back up and find out where he was. He couldn't see anything though, for a black fog had enveloped him. He looked as hard as he could, trying to peer through the thick black cloud. Seeing nothing he sighed and looked down.
Suddenly he did see something. He saw everything on fire, his friends being attacked, dead, dying. Malefor ruling over the lands and his armies destroying everything.
"Spyro!" A voice called. He tried to find it but couldn't.
"Spyro!" This time he felt the pain of the others, a blow to his face. This was all too much...
"Spyro!" Suddenly Spyro was sucked out of this eternal hell and opened his eyes. He was back in the dungeon. It was pitch black almost.
"Spyro!" He heard the voice again. A hooded figure stood outside his cell, opening it.
"Who's there...?" Spyro asked sleepily.
"It is your friend, Hunter." Hunter said. Spyro lifted his head up.It was indeed Hunter. The cheetah stood with his bow and arrow, opening the cell door.
"Got him?" A Human asked nearby. It was Karson, wearing black armor and no helmet as usual. His blond hair flowed in the drafty dungeon.
"Yes, it is him."
"How'd you guys find me?!"
"We've got our ways, now come on, let's get out of here!" Karson said. Karson raised his rifle and ushered them to follow. Spyro limped slowly out of the cell and Hunter helped him. They went down the hall and Karson lead the way.
"This is Red 2 checking in, we've got Target 1. We're heading south through the complex and are en route to the extraction zone, over."
"Roger, Red 1 reported in, Target 2 and 3 are secure and are en route. Move along the exfill route and meet up with Red 3 at exfil point bravo as soon as you can, Command out."
"Let's go, let's go." Karson said in a low voice as they went through. Three guards on early morning patrol were in the hallway in front of them, Hunter and Karson taking immediate action. Hunter put an arrow through the chest of one, and Karson fired a three round burst from his assault rifle. However, unlike the CLACK that Spyro was a custom to, it make nothing louder than a cough, its flash also missing. Spyro did notice a long black tube placed at the tip of the weapon. He found that odd, for he had never seen that on the weapons before.
The other guard fell over from the three rounds connecting with his head, blood splattering on the wall nearby and the two fell silently and quickly. They pushed on, over the dead bodies and through a narrow hallway where prisoners were still asleep, the foul creatures not even aware of what was going on. Three more guards stood before them, talking. Spyro sat and clenched at his wound on his arm as Karson took out one Guard, alerting the other two. However before they could react, an arrow from hunter took out one while another burst from Karson's assault weapon took out the third. They fell as quickly as the first ones had and as quietly. Once more they pushed over the dead bodies and onward.
"All red units, Party Crasher is on stand by and awaiting signal. What is your status, over?" The Radio crackled.
"This is Red 2, we're moving on schedule and are moving into the pipe works, ETA to Bravo, 5 minutes."
"This is Red 1, we're moving along the wall and should be there soon. ETA, 2 minutes." Spyro could faintly hear the conversations coming in over their Radio.
They moved farther down the halls, the dimly lit tunnels and passageways going past them as they went. Guards fell without a fight from Karson's assault weapon and Hunter's well placed arrows. They finally reached the area where they broke into a tunnel where water gushed out. It looked like where the citadel got its water from. The passageways looked old, like they had been there for hundreds of years. Maybe this was a relic of conflicts passed. Spyro didn't know. He clutched to his injured leg and followed the other two closely. They moved through the water filled passage until they reached the grated exit point, light flowing in from the rising sun outside.
Karson kneeled down while Hunter chanted a soft incantation before kicking the grate open. The grate fell into the water with a splash and flowed off. They walked out into the sunlight to where the waterway lead outwards to a small outcrop in the rocks. They had been underground apparently, but more like in the side of a mountain. Trees spanned as far as the eye could see and along the edge of the outcrop, a Marine ran up to greet them, it was Wagner.
"Spyro!" He said, running up and kneeling down.
Spyro limped forward to greet him.
"Man am I glad to see you guys! What's happened, what's-"
"No time, we've got to move!" Wagner said.
"HQ this is Red 3 we have both targets, all units commence the strike!" As he said this, a UERMC Raptor flew and hovered overhead, firing rockets from a pod on its side. The rockets streaked from the pods and towards the forest below, detonating and throwing up dirt and debris, a few trees falling. Along the edge of the mountain, to their left, Marines and Alliance Soldiers ran up alongside 3 Tanks that advanced along the path, firing into the forest as well. The trees were lit up as rounds, arrows, tank rounds and special explosive grenades the Moles had devised were thrown in.
"Let's go, let's go!" Wagner said as he ushered them all to follow.
"Make haste Spyro, we have little time to lose!" Hunter advised, placing another arrow on his bow.
"Right!" Spyro said and followed closely behind. 2 Ravens streaked overhead at fast speeds, firing missiles at targets Spyro couldn't see. More soldiers and Moles, Cheetahs, Dragons and several other creatures from the Alliance helped to hold off creatures that seemed to be all over the forest. It was a massive battle.
"All units be advised, we have a visual confirmation of at least20,000 plus hostile infantry moving to engage you, counting at least 4 Golems in addition to their force, moving south to engage." The radio announced.
"Copy that Command!" Wagner said back over the radio. "Things are going to get real hairy soon down here, we'd better move!" Wagner said as they ran down the ridgeline, going towards the soldiers on the ridge.
As they ran, Spyro saw Allison with Cynder and another Marine, sitting just right in front of them.
"We've got Spyro, let's move McFay!" Wagner ordered. She nodded and Spyro looked Cynder who looked at him with a saddened look. Spyro couldn't help but return the look, looking deep into her eyes before he realized they were in the middle of something huge.
"Alpha Company link up with Echo along phase line Victor, move south to meet hostiles and engage!" Wagner ordered over the radio, firing a few random shots into the trees. Several drop ships moved into the forest to where an area had been blown out. The forest exploded as the Marine Tanks fired more rounds, the loud THUDS coming from their weapons as they did so.
They kept running along the ridge, Marines linking up with them and firing short bursts into the forest. These Marines seemed more rugged and tattered then the Marines he had seen before, some of them having blood on their uniform. Some still retained the look he had been a custom too when seeing them but it was obvious they had been through a lot since he had last seen them... whenever that was.
They moved more into the forest, the tanks continuing to fire in support, bombarding the forest. Spyro looked up and saw the army that was approaching. It was massive. Creatures from all over formed a sea of enemy soldiers and in the distance, Golems, just like the one he had defeated in Warfang, dotted the horizon. Even with the Marine's advanced firepower and weapons, this was a lopsided fight.
"Let's go, get to the LZ!" The soldiers said as they ran with them, drop ships landing on the ridge to get the soldiers out of there and even the tanks.
"Those Golems are moving pretty fast, ETA to hostile engagement 20 minutes. Golems maybe in 10, they're moving pretty fast" The radio squawked with chatter as Ravens streaked overhead, leaving trails from their exhaust. Spyro wished he could help them, but his arm was still hurting.
"I got 'em, I got 'em." A Raven flew and fired missiles which knifed through the air, small clouds of smoke with a mix of orange light indicating a clean hit. They kept moving and they reached the clearing, Orcs and grublins trying to rush them, Marines keeping them back with rifle fire. Cheetahs that were with them fired arrows which smashed into the enemies with great efficiency. Warriors slashed with swords, cutting them down and even a fireball or two from dragons that were with them blasted the creatures that were fast approaching.
"Our ride's here, let's get going!" A Marine said as a Sparrowhawk landed, along with two Nighthawks.
"Spyro, come on!" Karson said as they got on the Sparrowhawk. He and Cynder looked at each other before trotting into the troop bay of the Sparrowhawk. The Dragons flapped their wings and took flight and the soldiers fired their rifles even from the troop bay. The other Alliance soldiers boarded the Nighthawks and they flared their engines to kick off from the ground and get airborne. Their Sparrow did the same, its rotor powered engine sputtering and causing the ship to shudder a bit before taking off into the sky. As the helicopter flew over the trees, Spyro saw the enemy army once again. It was just massive.
The drop ships flew away from the mountain and forests, clearing a shoreline and flying over open water. They had been near the ocean... but just where were they?
"Oh yeah, lots of enemy hostiles out there, counting over 20,000 now."
"All units be advised, the Targets are airborne and are on the move."
"Copy that HQ, retreating."
"All units this is a priority one message, The Dark Master is on approach and closing fast to Rally Point Charley. ETA to arrival, 3 minutes, everyone get out of there now."
"This is HQ Bravo, are things clear for the Party Crasher?"
"Negative, negative, exfil teams have not reached the minimum safe distance. Stand by."
"Standing by."
"This is team Echo, we've reached minimum safe distance."
"Team Bravo, we're outside minimum safe distance."
"This is Charley, we're out of the minimum safe distance and out of here."
"This is Alpha, we've reached minimum safe distance, we're clear." Wagner said, adding to the already crowded radio channels.
"Copy, all units are away. Green light on the party crasher, I repeat, green light."
"Copy that, ETA to Party Crasher, immediate."
Spyro kept wondering what the hell they were referring to by the "Party Crasher". He kept watching out the back of the open troop bay, looking for what it was. Suddenly a projectile streaked above them, soaring at speeds Spyro didn't think were possible. It closed the distance between them and the mountain, flying even farther and towards the enemy army. One of their missiles? Just one? He didn't think it'd...
Suddenly Spyro was blinded. The missile had detonated, but it produced a blinding light which filled the troop bay. Spyro grunted as the light was immense and a loud BANG filled his ears. A massive shockwave hit the shit and caused it to shutter but the drop ship stayed it's course and continued to fly. As the light dimmed, a mushroom cloud grew over the area where the mountain and army had once been. The shockwave reached the water and created an enormous wave, the small islands around the shoreline being consumed in the huge wall of water. The mushroom cloud was larger then anything he had ever seen! Was that the explosion?! It was huge! The entire peninsula where they had been was now buried under debris and clouds that came from the massive explosion. The Marines cheered and hollered. "We got them, all hostiles eliminated. We're returning to base." Wagner placed a hand on Spyro's shoulder and Hunter stood nearby.
"We've been looking for you two for a long time now." Wagner said.
"You have?"
"Yes, a long while. We've looked for you two in every place we could think of. You two have a habit of disappearing..." Hunter commented.
"How long has it been? What's happened with Dale? Warfang? How has the war been going?" Spyro asked. Cynder remained silent.
"Spyro, Cynder, we've got a lot to catch you up on..."
End of Chapter 28