The Spyro Chronicles Chapter 1: A cry for help?

Story by NewLegend1 on SoFurry

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#1 of The Spyro Chronicles

The Spyro Chronicles

Chapter 1: A cry for help?

It had been a three months since they had defeated the dark master. They had become close friends since. They hadn't changed much since then so they looked the same. Spyro and Cynder both sat there in the forest staring at the stars. Spyro looked over at Cynder and saw her face staring upwards. Her beautiful green eyes transfixed on the starry night sky. He felt a strong pain at his tail base and gritted his teeth. He turned away and looked up at the sky again.

Cynder sat there almost in a trance-like state. Her gaze was broken when she saw Spyro's head move in her peripheral vision. She turned to look at him and the first thing she noticed was his unique purple eyes. She stared at them for a moment before they heard a buzzing sound behind them. " There you two are, man you two love birds are making me tired, flying here and there, looking for you, anyway Ignitus wants to see you two." Sparx said.

Spyro looked at Sparx and said, "Did he say what he wanted?"

"Yea, something about trying to figure out some strange vision. Although I wonder why he didn't just ask me, but no, I never get any respect around here!" And with that Sparx turned and flew towards the temple. Spyro and Cynder got up and looked at each other.

"I guess we'll have to see what he wants." Spyro said and Cynder nodded. And with that they too flew to the temple. Cynder was flying just a bit behind Spyro. She started to look at his wings. She noticed how they were perfectly crafted and beautiful contrast to his purple scales. She giggled to herself. Wait, she thought, am I checking out Spyro? Well he is sort of cute, but he would never fall for me. Whit a sad sigh she looked forward. How would he fall for me, I mean, with all that I put him through, I'm lucky he is even my friend. She was lost in her thoughts.

Spyro heard a sigh from behind him and turned to see Cynder with a very sad look on her face." Cynder, are you alright?" Spyro asked.

Cynder sharply turned her eyes to meet Spyro's. She hadn't realized that she had sighed out loud. She quickly recovered and responded pasting a hasty smile on her face. "Oh I'm fine." Spyro gave her a confused look and then turned his head forward again. He felt that strong pain at his tail base. He thought back to Cynder's sad face. What could she be so sad about? He tried to think if he said something wrong to her but every time he tried to think of it his mind was set on her face, her perfectly chiseled face, and those enchanting green eyes. His tail base exploded with pain. He gritted his teeth and pinched his eyes shut. He descended about two feet. Cynder noticed this and turned her attention back to Spyro. It was odd for him just to drop two feet like that.

They finally arrived at the temple a few minutes later. Spyro staggered as he landed. His tail base was is immense pain. He managed to hide it though and he and Cynder made their way to the pool of visions where Ignitus and Sparx were waiting for them. "'Bout time Spyro, maybe you should consider the salad, maybe you'll fly faster." Ignitus shot Sparx an annoyed glance.

"Spyro glad you could make it." Ignitus greeted, and Spyro nodded. "Listen you two; I have seen a strange vision that troubles me. I have been... unable to figure it out."

"What's the vision about?" Cynder asked.

"It has a creature in it, a strange one. The creature seems to be calling for help and he looks badly injured."

"Can you tell where he is? Maybe we can help him." Spyro said in his usual caring-self. Cynder looked over at Spyro. He's always so helpful. She thought. She stared at him for a second when Ignitus finally gave a response.

"I'm afraid I can't tell where he is. In the background are several rocky objects and I can't tell you any more." Ignitus looked at Spyro and knew what was on his mind. "Listen Spyro I know you want to help, but first we need to get more information on this. However I was wondering if you two had any knowledge to what this might mean." They both shook there heads.

Spyro and Cynder both left the room. He walked off and went to his room. The guardians had surprised Spyro and Cynder with their own rooms as a gift for defeating the dark master. They were crafted beautifully and were right across from each other. Spyro saw Cynder walk into her room and saw her beautiful legs. He sighed as he thought of her. His thoughts were interrupted with a sharp, stabbing pain in his tail base. He slowly made his way to his bed and tried to get some sleep.

As Spyro lay there, he wandered in the land of dreams. The pain had worn off by now to where Spyro now lay in a deep sleep. He then saw something. It was some sort of creature lying there, in pain. Wounds, scars, and gashes dotted it's much abused skin. It lay on top of what looked like rocks that had a grey color to them. The creature then began to speak very softly but audible. "Allison, I-I'm sorry." He couldn't tell if it was a dragon, for the image was blurred. He did however get a look at what he believed was armor. It bore a word: Karson.

Spyro sat up. He didn't know if this was the same vision Ignitus had seen earlier, but he knew that it meant something. He got up and left his room, only pausing to look at Cynder's room. He then made his way to the balcony. He then froze. He saw a black figure sitting looking up at the stars. He recognized her immediately. "Uh Cynder, what are you doing out here?" Cynder doubled around. He had obviously startled her.

"Oh hey Spyro!" She said looking deep into his eyes.

"What are you doing out here?" Spyro inquired.

"Oh, nothing. Just had trouble sleeping."

"You're not the only one." Spyro replied.

"It's just that I had a dream, similar to what Ignitus was telling us."

"Really, I had a dream just like it to!" Spyro exclaimed.

"Wow, do you have any idea what it means?" Cynder looked at him before finishing her sentence. His unique purple eyes looked back and they both sat there looking into each other's eyes.

"I don't know what it means..." Spyro finally replied back. Spyro let out a sigh then turned his attention to the stars. Cynder did likewise. As they sat there looking at the stars Spyro noticed one of them move, and with great speed. More trailed it and small lights danced between the three moving stars.

"Hey look at that!" Cynder said, clearly indicating the moving light show above them.

"Yea, wonder what it is?" Spyro continued to look at the lights when he noticed one of them was getting bigger.


End of chapter 1

As I said before this is my first story so please alert me if you have any dos or donts for me. If you go on to read my next chapter (which is under development) please be warned. you may be lost at first and may notice it has nothing to do with spyro. Be assured, all will be reveiled in do time.