Savin' Me
Hi guys, I am back. \*Music starts "Shady's back"\* Okay, I am not THAT famous... but I would like to be. Okay, so this is a bit of a weird chapter I think. I hope you all like it, and sorry for the delay. However, I am posting two stories almost...
I need a Miracle
A/n:Well, forgive me. Please do, i must apologize for this ruse of a story ending. Though it was completely the ending, I was inspired by a ceartain person to use loopholes to continue the story. Of course, I never said Sonic died and what happened to...
Only a Painting
Disclaimer: I do not own sega, affiliates. Do not read if under age. Etc. Author's Notes: Well, I don't think people will like this chapter, but it carries the story. Next chapter will have sexy time. Only a Painting When I...