I need a Miracle
#5 of Be My Bad Boy
A/n:Well, forgive me. Please do, i must apologize for this ruse of a story ending. Though it was completely the ending, I was inspired by a ceartain person to use loopholes to continue the story. Of course, I never said Sonic died and what happened to Shadow? Don't worry, more to come.
I need a Miracle
Even more beautiful than the poetic death of a true gothic, is finding a more poetic life in love. The painting finished, I was willing to die. The pool of blood had already flowed, and I merely needed to rest in it. It was fitting and it was perfect. Perhaps, it was too perfect. Tails and I, in our elements, we are both just an artist inside. Shadow, on the other hand, was clearly born to destroy poetry in death.
As I let my eyes close, for one last time, I felt a voice call for me. A voice deep, familiar. It made me long for the owner of the voice. Surely, with such a strong confident bellow, it was the voice of the Almighty one. Though not much of a religious, I believed in something being out there. But no, this was not God. If it were, I would think the darkness replaced with clouds and a vision of the sky not fit for an earthly view. He would give me a brush, the universe a canvass so I might create. Tails would be there, happy to see me so soon. Instead, I, who did not die, am still living. I realize this reality as my breath returns, my eyes opened wide, a familiar being at my side.
"Shadow?" I ask myself. His limp figure, the lack of light, and the pillow under his head indicated the night. He was asleep. "Shadow!" I cried as my voice, though loud to me, managed only a whisper. Shad did wake up as doctors flooded my room, my eyes burned at the introduction of light. I closed them tightly.
"What is going on?" He asked, the familiar voice.
"There was brain activity. You are a lucky hedgehog if you can pull though this Sonic." 'Pull though?' I wondered. What could he mean? How long had I slept. I decided to open my eyes, and I weakly asked him, "Pull though what?"
"Mr. Sonic," He began, "Speak up, please!"
He bent his head lower, and I asked him again, "Pull though what?"
"He has no recollection?" Shadow asked quickly.
"I am not sure, but we are taking him for a CAT scan immediately." Two nurses came in quickly. I felt their hands lift me onto a moving bed.** With the roughness of one, I could tell it was the paw of a dog. Dogs were usually very cute.
The rolled me down the hallways, and I felt dizzy as I watched the florescent light pass by. I made a commiment to stay awake so the test would be accurate, so I closed my eyes and spelled simple words. This, however, had the opposite effect, and I opened my eyes, to find us in a room with a large machine. "Come on, girls, help me with him. He is very fragile and weak still, so drop him slowly."
It was with this comment I first noticed how weak I felt. My muscles ached and I felt as though I had not eaten for at least a month. Despite my groggy state, I figured out I was at the hospital, and it had to be Shadow who took me here or called 911. However, I could not know why I was lucky. Though a bit sad, suicide is relatively easy to treat, physically, so why am I lucky to wake up. Why was I being run through a machine.
The contraption I was in began to make buzzing noise around me. I could hear it hum in my ears, like a song. The lights were even brighter within the mech. than the florescent lights; therefore, I had to close my eyes tight once more so that I would not be blinded.
I must have fallen asleep once more inside the machine because I awoke once more in hospital room with Shadow. He was speaking with the doctor. I did not open my eyes, but heard the doctor say, "We do not know if he will slip into it again, but we are doing all we can. The best thing to do is let him have rest, and then hope he wakes up."
"And what if he doesn't?" The familiar voice asked in return.
"Of that, we are not sure." If the doctor continued, I do not know; because at that moment, I fell asleep again.
"I need a miracle." Whispered the familiar voice. He, or as I assumed, sounded solemn and reverent. "Lord, give him a chance to see, I know we were made for the other." What did he mean? Could he be speaking of me? Yes, it must be. He only speaks of me, and I am thankful for it. This void of blackness would surely be lonely without the voice.
I opened my eyes. Rays of light poured into the room, warming the air. However, the warmth I felt was that of the hedgehog across my legs. I took my hand and gently petted the 'hog. His black color gave off an attractive allure. I knew him from somewhere, and I know he is important to me. As I went over his neck, I felt small prick my hand.
I quickly looked at my finger finding it to be fine. I then checked the fur and found a leather, spiked strap around his neck. I took the collar off of the black furry and examined it. It was attractive and fitting on the hedgehog. I looked at the tag which read "Taken!" Inscribed on it. IT was with a sudden rush my head pounded. I felt as if this headache were like a 10-ton block being put onto my head. I held my head tightly and fell back when it suddenly stopped.
"Sonic . . . ?" Questioned the familiar voice. The hedgehog pulled up from the bed and sat back in the chair. "YOU! You woke up!" He embraced me, pulling me close. "I was sure, I believed you would wake up!" Despite my remembered account of the reason I was in the hospital, I could not help but be overcome by his joy. It was more contagious than the illness.
I hugged him back and let the tears flow. Tails, I know he would not want me to do something so rash. It was the permenant solution, but what would it solve? I reasoned this with myself, and the tears stopped. My face was not stained and the markings had long since healed. Now, only minor scars wear even visible. I would surely be alright.
As we let go of our embrace, the doctor walked in with a nurse. "I thought I heard something, Doctor." The Nurse was in fact a female poodle. She was perfectly white and elegant in here movements. The doctor was, almost ironically, a wolf. With the fur's paycheck, he could be eating me for lunch instead of treating me. Naturally, I attempted to making a wall putting up my hands. And naturally, he pushed it aside.
He sat down on the bed, and asked me in a reassuring voice, "Please, say 'ahhh'" I did as he enquired, and he use a small light to examen my mouth.
"That is excellent," He looked at my charts and continued, "Sonic, now please hold your eyelid open and don't wince at the light." Again, I followed his command, and he examined me like a normal patient. He pointed at the ebony hedgehog, Shadow, and motioned for him to follow.
I waited in the room, and played with the IV that was still embedded in my arm. I realized the stupidity of my action and occupied myself with something else. There was no TV in the room, but it felt more home than more hospitals despite it. I looked out the window and noted the clouds in the sky.
Shadow walked back in with a grin on his face. "You get to be discharged from 'L'hospital.' today."
"That is fantastic," I replied loudly, " I am so excited to go home. But, I don't want to see that house again."
"The doctor believes it will be good for you," He sounded a bit disheartened, " And it has been cleaned thoroughly."
"Please, just not now," I began, "Just take me with you. I will see my house when the time is right."
The nurse interrupted us and prepared me to go home. We left the hospital and I was ready to look forward to a recovery so that I can live a life I was given a second chance to live. As the seconds became minutes, the minutes became hours. I felt like I was doing nothing. There was still one thing I was missing, however. That was inspiration. I could not paint or draw. My life maybe a perfect shell to outsiders once more, but inside there was something still missing.