Savin' Me

Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#6 of An Assassin of my Heart 2: One Wish

Hi guys, I am back. *Music starts "Shady's back"* Okay, I am not THAT famous... but I would like to be. Okay, so this is a bit of a weird chapter I think. I hope you all like it, and sorry for the delay. However, I am posting two stories almost simultaneously, so I really think everybody is going to be happy with that. Oh, and whoever made me the Wikifur page, thanks! That is awesome! At the same time, a little sad.... maybe you should clean it up (recommended by some person on the site.) Still, thank you, just don't stalk me! Talk to you about future plans for this and whatnot after the chapter so enjoy!

Savin' Me

The being across the fire was more than familiar. The ruby orbs, the flames dancing in his eyes. He sat there, his face different but the same. His eyes narrow yet clouded with the numbness of his nature. Indeed, it was only in his actions did the creature change.

The ebony hedgehog had not faltered in his tender care for Sonic. However, Sonic knew that Shadow could not imagine or remember why he did such sweet things for Sonic. It seems that the black furred creature moved purely on instinct, not feeling or memory. Perhaps, Sonic thought, this is all a ruse done by Shadow. Maybe, Shadow was hiding from himself.

Earlier in the evening, Sonic had awoken to the touch of Shadow. His hand, delicately caressing his cheek. Sonic thought, because of the action, it was a dream. But, he never woke up, and he believed his eyes. Shadow was, is here. And, Sonic could sense, he held chaos emeralds. He knew not how many, but he knew he needed them.

Finally, Sonic asked, "Do you know me?"

Sonic asked passively, trying to sound as if he did not recall. Shadow thought Sonic couldn't remember, or rather, assume he couldn't because of Chief's mind control. If Shadow said "Yes," then Shadow remembered the past but would not go further and offer no help. If he said "No," Sonic would be able to convince him to give the Chaos Emerald or admit the truth. If he admitted the truth this way, then he could force Shadow to help him. However, there was a fifth option Sonic had not preempted.

"Do you know me? If not, then surely, I do not know you." The answer was blunt, and returned the quiet. It had the same effect as a "Yes," for Sonic, but it doubled to give Shadow the edge in knowledge, an unseen upper hand. Sonic could n't continue without answering the questions, as Shadow would direct the conversation to its current state. Shadow loved games after all.

"I feel like I do." It takes away Shadow advantage in conversing, but lead no where. Sonic desired, his touch. But, more so, he desired the meaning behind Shadow's movements. What is his motive for collecting the emeralds. Unless . . . Shadow did not remember either. If that were the case . . . Sonic had to get away. He had no emeralds, but every intention of getting them. If he didn't then Shadow's use of them would be unpredictable, where he would simply return his own memories.

Sonic stayed awake as long as Shadow did. Shadow did not sleep.

As the Sun rose, Shadow stood. His fur glistened beautifully in the rays of light. His ebony fur became bright, warm, and friendly. Sonic could almost fell himself stand and hug the other, melting into the warmth, the past, the forgotten.

Instead, Sonic stood erect and faced Shadow like a foe. The ebony 'hog could sense a fight arising, tension building. The air became thick, heavy, and intimidating. Sonic, however, was in no way ready for conflict. He was not Shadow and needed sleep desperately. Instead, he needed to catch him with a surprise.

"Is it worth saving me?" Sonic asked.

Shadow was also thinking and was caught off guard by the question. " Who do you think I am, your lover."

The words cut Sonic deeply.

"If I were to die without the emeralds you carry, would it be worth giving them up to save me?"

"I dunno, do I care for a mere mortal...?"


"Ha, you silly fool. How could you even assume I would care whether you lived or died. I am going to take these emeralds and become the God of this World...Actually, I am going to live forever. I can seem Omnipresent, and I am omnipotent. Hell, I am even Omniscent. I know everything I need to know. And, with this..." He took out the emerald, and it shined brilliantly in the light. "I can recall everything, I will know ALL. I will be more than all powerful...I WILL BE the EVERYTHING. With this..." Sonic's arm thrust hard into the forward into Shadow's abdomen. Shadow was too slow to react, and he let the emerald go.

Sonic caught the emerald saying, "If my life means nothing, you know nothing. Chaos Control!" Sonic vanished. Shadow stood again. He looked around the woods, expecting an attack. However, nothing came.

And he laughed. Hard and loud. He let his breathe dry out. "Me? BEATEN? No, I was not going to fight you hedgehog. You have potential. But, I need nothing. YOU are nothing. That is why your life means NOTHING." Shadow revealed his other emerald from seemingly nowhere. "Chaos Spear!" The golden spears went in all directions, ripping through the trees and landscapes. However, Shadow did not stick around to see his work. In the next instant, he had vanished, his maniacal laugh echoing into the distance.

In a city, where a building had once stood, Sonic collapsed to his knees. The chaos control took almost all his energy. He looked at the watch which showed "1:23." He had worn it too long. He needed to rest. He looked around and found an abandoned house. He walked to the door and grabbed the door knob. In response to the light touch, the door fell off the hinges. Sonic cursed the decrepit wood and stepped in. He placed it back in the door frame and found a bed. There, he took off the watch and placed it next to the emerald in a cabinet of the kitchen. Finally, he returned to the bed and slept.

A/n Okay, so, I personally like this chapter. It leaves off where I can add another dream sequence. (I think you guys will love it!) As for the actual progression of the story, I think it just brings Sonic back into the action of the story. However, next chapter will work primarily on adding depth to the story, and we all need that! As always, please leave comments and rate this submission. I love to write, but it is for the review of the reader I whore myself and display my work. (So...much...whoring...need rest...)

Thanks again guys/gals, next chapter: "Lithium"

Also, You might like this, I think it will give you some background on me and help you figure me out a bit. So, read it too, and feel free to comment on it.

"Anyway, these pictures . . . I get it . . . always remind me of a thought I had. If I were a fur, neigh, a cognitive thinking animal of another species, I would likely be gay. Mostly because . . . Of the warmth of the love shared between the two animals in pictures, such Mayra Boyle's fursonas or the depth Inuka's characters. In the picture, the two creatures hold each other tenderly, dearly. And . . . They hold a vibrance the artist instilled in them, and they never lose it. That energy . . . It is captivating, and such height of ecstacy seems to sustain you forever. Fortunately, men and women, as humans, share that bond, with the man usually at fault. But for her, for the girl I will call mine, I will actually be hers. To her I will surrender, like I will only pledge loyalty to God as will I follow her orders. It is only in that serenity and peace that I can find this world bearable to live in. I hold onto the hope that one day a girl will make me complete, my heart full, and the earth sing around me simple because I am happy. And in turn, my happiness becomes an infection. That others might share in my happiness. If even for a moment, that memory will be captured, like one of these pictures of the most private details, I will remember. With the idea of love, I have waited and remained at peace, able to carry on. But with the vivid reality of it, I can truly find myself happy" (In response to some of Atimon's artwork, Mechaknucles).