I Will Not Cry.

Frankly it's a wonder he's been holding on this long. They gave him another hour, and they said that's only if he fought hard. It's been two hours and I'd be lying if I said my paw didn't feel like it's been crushed half to ruin by now. No way in any...

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Razed - Chapter 11

"_I can be good sometimes_ _I'm a cheap queen_ _I can be what you like_ _And I can be bad sometimes_ _I'm a real queen_ _I can make grown men cry"_ **King Princess,** ' **Cheap Queen'** My head throbs. I groan, get up, pop an aspirinand down...

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40,000 Feet & Falling

It's cramped, my legs ache and there's no space to readjust them more than a couple inches. I should sleep but I know I won't. I'll shut my eyes and do my best to rest my overactive mind, but that's about it. I would complain more, but the ceaseless...

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Love In Negative

In my soul I know I'vegotta lose my love for you, but I can't let you go, no matter how impossible you are, no matter how toxic I know it is to live my life in waiting for your lips, to lose my mind in the times you don't commit your all to me as I do...

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Razed - Chapter 1

"_We found our way out_ _Of the suicide pact_ _Of our family and friends"_ **Phoebe Bridgers,** **'Would You Rather'** Hey, I'm Ash. No, that's not right. Hi, it's so nice to meet you. I'm Ash. No, that's not it either. I don't need to be so...

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All your life I rode your wave. Now you're gone I lie still in the bay hoping the tide will wash me away, wishing I didn't have to fight another day. Wishing we could just switch place. But, I know what you'd say. The light you shone didn't go when...

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Razed - Chapter 4

"_Good day in my mind, safe to take a step out Get some air now, let yo edge out Too soon, I spoke, you be heavy in my mind Can you get the heck out?_ _"_ **SZA,** **'Good Days'** She's as outrageous as ever, perhaps even more so. These last...

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He Loves You

He could never love me. It's as simple as that. All those days and nights spent together, the laughter, the tears, the companionship. All those talks, all those confessionals and personal moments, the arguments and discussions. All those memories and...

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Recursive Cycles

Recursive cycles cement their way into secluded lives ceaselessly expanding, enveloping all thought and action. People like you forgot how to live. Somewhere along the way you forgot to appreciate how the sky shifts as night falls or day breaks, the...

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Dead Years

Light creeps through the cracks in my eyelids, and though the light is not intense it's unwanted. I prefer waking up to darkness. With my curtains closed that's how it should be, but it becomes immediately apparent that I fell asleep without turning...

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