1) Prologue
_"I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old."_ _(-Rememberance of Buddha)_ High in the night sky the Red moon Lunitari hung, casting her red luminous glow over the great city of Malaketh. The windows of the houses...
A cedar wood box...
Look at the little marionette Dancing on those silver strings See the joy it's dance brings? With grace it moves across center stage It really was quite all the rage And the wizard behind the curtain, The grand puppeteer! It is for him the...
_How I hate to say goodbyes_ _When I gaze into those beautiful eyes_ _I just want to drown in them today_ _Never having to look away_ _Your lips are like a lethal drug_ _And my grave I willingly dug_ _Just to taste their forbidden sweetness_ _In...
Mad Ramblings
It's the middle of the day yet outside it is dark but somehow I can hear the bay of the morning lark There is no one here but me except for everyone else here although I did never once see, their countless voices I still hear Outside...
A final meeting
He came for me at night when all the stars in the heavens were alight When everyone was dreaming free The man with the hood came for me His knock was so soft and small in size that the very sound seemed to apologize But this was a meeting from...
My own Epitaph
I, who lie here, was a writer Of pain, of sadness, and of love Telling what it truly meant to be a fighter But now, in rest, I sail the heavens above If by chance you, whose heart has traveled untold miles, Happen to recall my long written words...
Fragile goods
Here my heart sits, in a box high up on a shelf all alone, save for its broken self. Isolated from all the rest. Perhaps, in the end, that is only for the best. On it's side _fragile_ is stamped in red, but most never payed any attention to...
Spring Awakening
Awaken little saplings the time has now come, for you to spread your petals to the heavens above. Rise from your slumber to your new kingdom, and bask in the sun's warm love. Spring is once more here and winter is long gone, so I shall to the...
Dance Ballerina Dance
Dance ballerina dance There is no second chance So now must you wow them all Or surely you will fall To back out now, it's far to late You are sealed within this fate Even if your delicate feet become sore You must still dance for forevermore...
~The Great Masquerade~
Come one, come all it is the most magnificent show of them all where fortunes are lost, and fortunes are made, It is the Great Masquerade! The angels are all singing in the choir and I do believe that is Beelzebub on the lyre. So sit down...