Mad Ramblings

Story by LovePaws on SoFurry

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Everyone has crazy thoughts from time to time. I just so happen to write those thoughts down. Enjoy.

It's the middle of the day

yet outside it is dark

but somehow I can hear the bay

of the morning lark

There is no one here but me

except for everyone else here

although I did never once see,

their countless voices I still hear

Outside flowers wither and die

listening to angels singing holy hyms

all written by Satan's fleeting whims

I just watch on and sigh

I am a raging liar

yet I speak no lies

my pants are slowly consumed by fire

as my flesh is eaten by countless flies.


_How I hate to say goodbyes_ _When I gaze into those beautiful eyes_ _I just want to drown in them today_ _Never having to look away_ _Your lips are like a lethal drug_ _And my grave I willingly dug_ _Just to taste their forbidden sweetness_ _In...

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1) Prologue

_"I am of the nature to grow old. There is no way to escape growing old."_ _(-Rememberance of Buddha)_ High in the night sky the Red moon Lunitari hung, casting her red luminous glow over the great city of Malaketh. The windows of the houses...

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Besame mucho (poem)

Besame, besame mucho besame mucho por todo el noche. Para nosotros no sabimos si tenimos manana Besame mucho, mi amor porfavor, besame mucho El noche es firo pero sus labios son calientes Pues besame mucho a...

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