Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: On Melancholy Hill
It was a dark and stormy day at sea, the sun blotted by a group of sickly grey clouds that dyed the water below them. Amidst this sea of grey were two mon's desperately trying to swim against the tide, a Grovyle and Luxray. „Hold on to me!" Yelled the...
Tremor City: Return of The Conquerors Part 1
It was a bright, sunny day on the Tremor City public beach. People were swimming, tanning and just generally relaxing. Among the people was Orta Merez, a tiger shark dressed in an extra large black bikini and having a swim on the far end of the...
Tremor City Primer 1
Tremor City, a massive urban sprawl rivaling the city of New York in terms of sheer size and one of THE places to be in the year 2067. It started off a small backwater going by the name Tremorville around 1958. It wasnt until a hyper-intelligent...
Bio: Orta
Name: Orta "Carapace" Merez Species: Tiger Shark Abilities: Biomechanical Armor that is capable of sprouting blades and/or shields/armor made from an extremely sharp and/or hard black chitin. Also of note is the fact that the suits armpits can sprout...
Utah Extreme: Chapter 1, Part 1
The whir of the suits air conditioning was the first thing the bounty hunter known as Utah Bard heard upon waking from her torpor. Her vision blurry, she could feel her arms trussed in simple rope and a figure to her left leaning down and looking at a...