400 Rabbits
Eighty-Six-Rabbit woke up with a hangover. As far as he could remember, he had woken up with a hangover every morning since he and his three hundred and ninety-nine siblings, the Centzon Totochtin, were born of the union between Patecatl, god of...
Teaser: Gerbil 07
"Good morning, James!" That meant the Old Man had a mission for me. I sat up and ran a paw through my whiskers. "Morning, Old Man. Gerbil-O-Seven reporting, ready once again to save the world and get the girl. What's the deal?" "I do wish you...
Cold Scent
My name is Dutch, and I used to be the best damn nose on the force. Note: not 'used to have the best nose'. I was the Nose, and the Nose was me. "Dutch can smell a lie at ten paces," they used to say, and while that wasn't strictly true, I could...
Wolf Break
Eleven o'clock; coffee time. I opened a pack of wolves. Fur white as icing, they surged through the office, staring and sniffing with almond eyes and chocolate noses. Flicking the crisp points of their ears, they crunched across keyboards dunked...
A Case for Mr Mao
Paddy dashed through the streets of London's Siamtown, the tails of his jacket flying out behind him. His flame-red fur stood out among the wheaten coats and seal points of the Siamese, and they turned to watch him as he passed. His flight was...
Teaser: Flight of the Fire Dragon
England! England, her patchwork fields glowing green and amber in the golden light of a summer afternoon, ringed by the azure sea that has kept this precious island safe from invasion for nearly nine centuries! Even now, did any of her happy citizens...
Snoopy Verse the Red Baron
Below my little square of white Upon white fields, white poppies blow. White clouds surround my lonely flight Hanging black-bordered high and low. Somewhere beyond the frame he flies Where the white air meets the white mud Waiting to blaze across...
FuturePlex Brings You The World Of Tomorrow
New, Clean, Safe: FuturePlex Nuclear Hovercars! Why Go Out In The Fallout, When You Could Send Your FuturePlex Robot? Your Kids Are At Risk From Rogue Robots - Arm Them With The FuturePlex Atomic Raygun! There's Never Been A Better Time To Join The...
The Tribes of Dog
The Alpha Pair begins the song Calling to the clans along the snow Whale-ivory sinew-strung on whiter pelts. The Old Man Tawny walks from the Dreaming On hard cracked pads; shakes off the red dust Curls his yellow tail, and sits. Two black-backed...
The Witch Doctor - teaser
"OK, sucker," Marty growled, brandishing the kitchen knife. "Only one of us gets out of here alive!" The pumpkin stared insolently back at him. Marty had drawn a scary face on it, with narrow, slit-pupilled eyes and jagged teeth, but he had yet to...
Passing Trade
"You want me to do _what_?" Joko's eyes bulged in his black mask, and he twitched his ears. "That's sick!" "But think of the money!" The gibbon stretched his lips into an ingratiating smile. "Don't worry, I'll deal with all the messy stuff. You...
Loganberry Hits a Hrair
Loganberry sighed and ran his paws through the tuft of fur between his long ears. He was tackling a particularly thorny passage of Old Lapine this morning, and even the plate of chocolate digestives at his elbow wasn't helping. The thought that he...