Wolf Break

Story by Huskyteer on SoFurry

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#6 of Poetry

'Wolf Break' is featured in adjective:species' collection of furry poetry. Read all the poems here: http://adjectivespecies.com/2015/04/08/the-inaugural-adjectivespecies-poetry-collection/

Eleven o'clock; coffee time.

I opened a pack of wolves.

Fur white as icing, they surged

through the office, staring and sniffing

with almond eyes and chocolate noses.

Flicking the crisp points of their ears,

they crunched across keyboards

dunked their paws in tea mugs

snapped gingerly at power cords.

Then, at the call of distant snows,

they took the lift and left, behind them just

a sugar dust of hair on carpet tile.

Next time I'll get custard creams.