Heavy Metal Poisoning
"And to you, too, Jonathan." He rolled, swirling around the ruby red rocker of wine. "For all the accomplishments, all the advancements that you've provided for our fine city." The lynx sitting across the table smiled heartily, those fat cheeks...
Under The Big Top
Synopsis: When James's parents abandon him for their work during a family outing once more, he finds a way to not only gain the needed attention from them, but to leave their work where it should be: at...
May The Truth Without
Author's Note: Because I'm new to SoFurry and am not entirely used to what goes on here on this site, I'll upload this story from my FA account. It's an older one but one the people on that site seemed to enjoy. So, please, enjoy, comment,...
Run With The Pack
Synopsis: While feeding a new attraction at the zoo where he works, a relatively new employee is accidentally bitten by a genetically altered wolf. He is then surprised by what happens next and even more surprised by what will ultimitely become of...
Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
Author's Note: This is another of my older submissions to FA that I'm transferring now over to SoFurry. I really liked this one and I hope that you can enjoy it as well. Peace. Synopsis: When a teenager returns home due to his father swtiching jobs,...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 9
Chapter 9: Happy Town. I've always thought that 'Happy Town' had to have been a mistake. And it sort of was a mistake. The neighborhood was originally named Highland Terrace, back when it was being constructed maybe sixty or seventy years ago. But...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 6
Chapter 6: It's so hard to think in here. The bullpen back at the precinct is supposed to be the officer's home base, their home-away-from-home. I've never once felt that way, that this is a home-away-from-home. This place feels more like a high...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 5
Chapter 5: The station is all but dead when we get there, just a half dozen blocks east of the apartment building. The docks and riverfront businesses are all but closed, so all of the evening traffic has dispersed. And because it's still much too...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 4
Chapter 4: Voices begin to sing out and camera bulbs snap and crack as the remaining force of police officers exits the building. The captain raises his hands above his head to gain their attentions, his antler-dominated silhouette towering above...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 3
Chapter 3: "He wants _what_?!" The captain bellows down at me. When I came out and told the captain that I had gained something, he was impressed. But when I informed him that the coyote wouldn't freely give up anything until he had certain...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 2
Chapter 2: "Jesus, what happened here?" Captain Whitebuck asks as we enter the room. It's been just under an hour since I called in the murder and already this apartment is swarming with police of every shape, color, size, and rank. Sheep and rams...
Zistopia: Inner City Blues Chapter 1
Chapter 1: The radio at my hip chirps and barks its quiet chatter, disseminating information on arrests and crimes in progress. My ears stand on end, intrigued, but, resume scanning again when nothing of interest comes through. The majority of calls...