Legend of the Stone Dragon

**A Word from the Author** This story is/was for the 2011 Halloween Contest. It's an attempt by me to write something outside of my normal writing style. Enjoy my experimentation and Happy Halloween! **Legend of the Stone Dragon** By: Glek It...

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Tamarar - World Overview

Tamarar is the name given to a world by it's inhabitants. More accurately, Tamarar is a contient on the larger world of Shiera, though Tamarar itself is isolated from the remainder of the world by harsh ocean currents and winds on the Western edge and...

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Encyclopedia: Syire

## Syire Syire is an A-Class star located approximately 32 light years from Earth. It has 17 planets orbitting it, though only one is capable of supporting life. List of planets: Syire I - More or less a ball of molten rock Syire II - Again, a ball...


A Pilot Chosen

**A/N:** So, I'm sitting, trying to think of what to write for a new story, and this idea strikes me out of the blue. I seem to have writer's block so I'm going to write a couple chapters of this to try to get rid of it. Port from...

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**A/N:** Little one-shot, possibly turning into a full story. I was kind of feeling doom and gloom earlier and this just wormed its way into my head. Port from FanFiction(dot)net. **Futile** By: Glek "Sir, they're making another run at the...

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Comfort Me

**A/N:** Direct port from FanFiction (dot) net. Enjoy, and as always, review if you've got something to say. Inspired by Guide You Home (I Would Die For You), played in the credits of DotD. **Comfort Me** By: Glek "NOOOOOOOOOOOO! IT'S NOT MY...

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A Little Cabin in the Woods - Chapter 2

Bit of a jarring transition here into the start of this next chapter. That's because of a time jump we did. Welcome to Svem's life at age 1.5 years, roughly 16 in human years. Mimic Dragons (which is what Svem is) can technically live forever if they...

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A Little Cabin in the Woods - Chapter 1

Just a heads up, everyone. This story is constructed from logs from a role play. I did minimal editing between the original logs and this "story" version. If you notice certain patterns (such as every paragraph starting with an name alternating between...

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G'lek's Encyclopedia: The Aneen

The Aneen are a race of human-shaped insectoids, similar in appearance to wasps. They are native to the tropical world of Cryona, though they are rarely seen. ## Physiology The Aneen have a similar physiology to Earth wasps, though they are bipedal...

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No One Should be Alone on Christmas

**No One Should Be Alone on Christmas** A Story By: G'lek Winter in Alto Mare was mild. The sea kept the temperature warm and the humidity high. Still, the citizens of the city always managed to have a white Christmas. Several years, the snow fell...

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The Evils of Truth and Love: Making Decisions

**A Quick Note:** For all those who have not seen Movie 5 and who do watch the anime, there are two Bianca characters. One is a rival in the anime, the other is exclusive to Movie 5. Hopefully this clears up any confusion in that regard (I know there...

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The Evils of Truth and Love: Returning to Altomare

**A Word From the Author:** I wanted to try a new story writing/planning style for this story, one other then my usual "get an idea and roll with it." I'm actually planning this story out as much in advance as I can. Let me know if you think it...

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