5. You're Probably High
Hrvalye lay on his stomach, his elbows dug into the fresh new grass, still quite short with the newly minted season, his head resting on his hands, which were propped under either side of his jaw. He had positioned himself at the very edge of one of...
4. The Right Thing Isn't Always the Best Thing
Cecina was sitting right there, facing Piran. She didn't turn around. Hrvalye's stomach turned leaden and dropped as he stood there dumbfounded. He'd also forgotten to exhale before walking in, and air began escaping from his half-open mouth with an...
3. Behold, the Magnificent City of Koris
Hrvalye awakened, sitting up in a bed with his left arm in a sling, a cold pack on his left shoulder, and an automated subdermal drug dispenser wrapped around his right arm. His shoulder ached, but far less intensely than before. He leaned back heavily...
2. Thank God for Antiseptic Spray
It didn't feel like much time had passed when Cecina returned, but it was hard to say. Hrvalye's reverie ran pretty deep. "Sorry that took so long. Trva is apparently out sick today, so I had to have one of the janitors scrounge around with me. Very...
1. A Cold Morning
Koris was always a beautiful city in the springtime. Situated a few miles inland from the coast behind imposing seaside cliffs, its denizens would know that winter was truly over when the ocean currents shifted to start blowing tender sea spray kisses...
Vignette: Snow
"You know, Hervie, today is a good day," Cecina said with a smirk, her arms akimbo. As predicted and as intended, Hrvalye cringed, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Cecina's smirk intensified, "Nothing is wrong with me, dear heart," she gestured to...
Vignette: Tiny Nibling
"This is an honor, Hrvalye." "It is, mother, you're right, but I don't--I don't know if I'm the right choice. I'm busy at the labs, and when I go into immersion I'll be completely unavailable to the kid." "You are the child's only uncle." "Their...
A Writing Study: Future First
Up to that point we've never flown except with the major airlines. The experience will be a bit new and different for us; different terminal, same-but-different security, and we'll actually get to meet the pilot (just one for this flight). He'll be an...
An Evening to Forget
Hrvalye was under-dressed and freezing. It would have been fine if the taxi had pulled up in front of the opera house, but he had to get out two blocks early because they were trapped on a narrow one-way street behind a newly-disabled truck. The cabbie...
A Writing Study: Somebody That I Used to Know
My hands were stuffed into my coat pockets, an unlit cigarette dangling with deliberate precariousness from my lips. It was an unseasonably cold, early spring day, but that suited me well enough; I'll use practically any excuse to wear a sweater and a...
Waiting for the Notification
He wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't just do nothing. To be sure, he _should_ do nothing, but it was beyond his capability to do. He anxiously tapped his fingers in rhythmic succession against his desk, again and again. He grabbed his mouse and...
Vignette: Your Unfriendly Neighborhood Ghost Goat
It had been seven years, almost to the day. Michael leaned his shoulders and head back against a mostly-naked oak as he stared at the small house a hundred feet away. The tip of his left horn wedged itself uncomfortably and unexpectedly into the bark...