A Lead Crown Contribution Exchange: Home?
Tobias quite enjoyed his time studying in the tribal lands. The air was fresher, the grass greener, and best of all his work wasn't confined to books and lectures; he actually got to use his legs. All in all, it was a must needed respite from the...
A Bleak Outlook (Part 1 of 2)
"In the growing jungle there's a... graph?" "Giraffe." "Giraffe! In the growing jungle there's a giraffe that grins as it... uh, gorgs?" "Gorges." "Gorges! In the growing jungle there's a giraffe that grins as it gorges on gourds. Got it!"...
Come Crashing Down
_I love you Ryan_ _Sat, Apr 5, 12:57pm_ Ryan stared at the text message blankly as he lay sideways on his stiff bed, fully clothed. He had done nothing else since he had returned to his room a few minutes hence, unable to shake off the creeping...
The Walls I Built
So this was my first attempt at both furry and gay-themed writing. I think the problem with this chapter is that, at the time I wrote this, I was too insecure with my writing that I focused too much on trying to make it sound mature and intelligent...
Clueless Season Two: Toru's Life Tour (Homecoming-out Part 8)
_Toru's life Tour: How I learned to stop worrying and love being gay._ _First entry: Coming out..._ _October 11th 2018 (plus or minus 5 years)._ \*unknown entity clicks play button\* The video begins with an adolescent Akita, paw still lingering on...
Ch3: Unite!
Knowing it was a waste, I put out my cigarette to give my undivided attention to this old friend of mine. Jun: "What's up with the sudden call?" Mitsuki: "Well I figured I'd call since I got a new number!" No... Mitsuki sends most all...
Ch2: Born to Be
Going to school always puts me in a depressive mood... I entered a specific public high school at the behest of my parents, one of superior standing within the entire prefecture. Adults would probably scold me for feeling moody that I'm privileged...
Clueless season 2: Love to Run, Run to Love (part 3)
_End of fifth 5th period, AP chemistry._ "Excuse me, Lach?" It was the middle of the din of lab equipment cleanup. I had just finished my leisurely cleanup of my lab group's vials and used PH strips when the female voice had caught my...
JTB ch5: Crossroad
It was that hot time of year where high school students no longer need to wear blazers as part of their uniform. My school has been all fired up for the upcoming sports festival. But I was completely uninterested, so all there was for me to do was...