Superhero Story: Lively Latex Ladies
Lively Latex Ladies for DrakeHavok by Draconicon Rachel the raccoon shook her head as she stepped through the doors of Latexia's Club. She'd wondered if the rumors were true, and she was honestly a little shocked to find out that they were. She...
Superhero Story: The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker
The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker for Studley by Draconicon "What a way to start the weekend." "Better than ending it the way we did with that shapeshifter, right?" Sheena slowly turned to look at the wolf behind her, slowly shaking her...
Corruption Story: A Bloody Army
A Bloody Army for Nataraj by Draconicon Orimon stepped through the red portal with a calm smile on his burning face, his crown of fire adjusted at a rakish angle as he closed the glowing gateway behind him. The heat in the air fell...
Role Reversal Story: Atypical Teammates
Atypical Teammates for DrakeHavok by Draconicon "You've got to be kidding me." Bellena shook her head as her fingers slid over the holo-board, tapping in commands at a dizzying rate. The asari could hardly believe that this was needed, but...
Elder Scrolls Story: Burning the Nest
Burn the Nest for DrakeHavok by Draconicon The last Falmer died with its heart exploding in the Argonian's hand, and he shook his fingers a few times to scatter the flecks of heat-dried blood to the floor. Arga glanced over his shoulder towards...
Anything Dragons Story 1: Recon on Rannoi: Part 2
Recon on Rannoi: Part 2 for Studley by Draconicon "I'm listening." Studley could hardly believe he was, after seeing all the things that he'd seen. The Park was as overgrown with transformed individuals as the worst of the cesspits owned by...
Transformation Stream Story 22: Coffee for the Fox in You
Coffee for the Fox in You! for Wolfmage by Draconicon Storm had barely woken up when he heard a knock at the door. The dragonwolf tried to ignore it, but as the knocking continued unabated for nearly a minute, he finally gave up the ghost....
Sexual Conquest: Prologue
**Sexual Conquest By Draconicon** The world of Meitos is at war. Years ago, the great tribes lived in peace. The great tribes, the Horse, the Orc, the Orca and Dolphin, the Eagle and Owl and Phoenix, the Fox, the Wolf, and even the dragons...
Intermission: France to the Desert
**Intermission 3** With the armies of the Franks shattered at the river Seine, the way was clear for Madame Cerise and her followers to travel to the east. Studley followed after them for a short time, trailing in his werewolf form to keep an...
Intermission: Japan to France
**Intermission 2** Their remaining time in Japan was brief, but eventful. With the help of the knife merchant Shin, Studley and Idesin were able to remain hidden while the search through the streets died down, the guards giving up when there...
Intermission: Island to Japan
**Intermission 1** With permission to leave, the pair of Wonders wasted no time saying their goodbyes to the Council and a few friends in the village. Idesin hurried from hut to hut, sharing a few words with his many friends and bedmates, and...
World of Wonders: Introduction
**Introduction** Amidst a grove of rocks, overgrown ferns, and young palm trees sat a peculiar creature. Dark fur covered his body, gray along his belly and the inside of his limbs, and black everywhere else. He had the face of a wolf, a muzzle...