Superhero Story: The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story for FA: Studley-Destiny that follows more of the wolf's heroic antics.

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The Ice Queen vs The Ice Maker for Studley by Draconicon

"What a way to start the weekend."

"Better than ending it the way we did with that shapeshifter, right?"

Sheena slowly turned to look at the wolf behind her, slowly shaking her head. The Ice Queen she might have been, but that was one night she would prefer not to try and remember. Mostly due to the hangover headache, but also how she woke up at the end of it. She still didn't remember how THAT had gotten lodged in her. The snow leopard sighed.

"You're never going to stop bringing that up, are you, Studley?"

"Not while it has a chance of getting you to heat up a little bit."

"Oh, it heats me up. But not in any way that'll spread to you. So, let's not tempt me to turn you into an icicle, hmm?"

"Lips zipped."

"Good boy."

She patted the werewolf's head a few times before turning back to the warehouse. The two of them had been called in by the local authorities to deal with a disturbance out here. It wasn't the first time that there'd been thugs that had needed dealing with out in the warehouses, but it was the first time that they'd called two of them at once. More to the point, they'd been more than a little closed-lipped about it, as well.

The snow leopard didn't like it. Not one bit.

But it was their job, so they had to do it. Adjusting her armor a little bit, she walked over to the door, giving it an experimental push. When it didn't so much as budge, she stepped to the side.

"Studley, if you would?"

"My pleasure."

Leaning against the side of the warehouse, she watched with a small smile as the werewolf pulled back his arm. She could see the bits of muscle bulging as he built up his strength before punching the doors open, and she smiled. A pity that she couldn't convince him to wear some destructible clothing; it'd be a nice bit of eye candy on some of their easier assignments.

Now that the door was opened - well, shattered, but still open - she walked with him inside, and immediately stopped as soon as they were past the doorway.

The warehouse was completely empty. Not just filled with empty shelves, but empty. No crates, no shelves, absolutely nothing to be stored away. There was nobody to be seen on the ground, and as she looked up, it seemed that the catwalks were empty as well. But she might be missing something.

"Studley...smell anything?"

"Yeah. Scales and fur."

"Anything else?"


Oh, damn it all.

The Ice Queen turned to the doorway, but it was too late. Ice already rose past waist height, and as she looked, it had already formed a thick barrier across the doorway. The crackling frost didn't go further along the walls, either; their enemy must have known better than to weaken the structure.

She turned around, and spotted the glimmer of ice manipulation on part of the catwalk. The Ice Queen flicked her fingers upwards, a quintet of ice spikes shooting out of her fingers. They were blocked by a sudden ice shield, but it gave off enough light to reveal the polar bear behind the power. She growled.

"Ice Maker...Where's your mistress, hmm?"

"Oh, don't go insssssulting me, Ice Queen."

The new voice was right above her, and the snow leopard dropped down to all fours as fast as she could. She heard the rasp of scales above her head, and as she rolled out of the way, she saw that the naga's tail had been coiling right where her neck had been.

Studley had jumped to the side as well, but he wasn't quick enough to keep both of the villains in view. Even as she shouted for him to keep moving, the polar bear whipped his hands around, and a blast of ice sealed the wolf's body from the waist down into a block of ice. A stream of it continued pouring out of the Ice Maker's hands, making it rise fast.

She stood up, lifting a hand to try and stop it, but the naga woman was on her too quickly. Darting back and ducking around several flails of the snake's tail, the Ice Queen glared at the reptile.

"You think that you can beat me?"

"Perhapssss not ssssolo, but assss sssssoon assss my partner finisssshesssss with yoursss..."

Oh, how she wanted to glare at the naga, but she knew better. Hypnomaster, the lady was called, and for good reason. The last thing she needed was to throw away the battle now, particularly when she was outnumbered and wouldn't be snapped out of it.

She glanced up, and groaned as she saw that Studley was fully encased. The thud of the polar bear hitting the ground didn't help, either, as she heard him coming from behind. She was in deep shit now.

Ducking another of the naga's tail swipes, the Ice Queen darted forward, slapping her gloved hand against the naga's wrist. She pulled it back, and slammed it against Hypnomaster's shoulder. With a blast of her powers, she managed to lock the arm down with a thick block of ice that connected the two.

Before she could do more, however, she was yanked away from behind. Thick white paws grabbed her waist, lifting her off of the ground as she groaned. Squeezing her to the point where she was losing her breath, the Ice Maker held her aloft while the naga struggled with her bound arm.

"You'll pay for that."

"Like I care. You'd do far worse, if you could."

The polar bear squeezed her harder, and the snow leopard hissed as her wrists were frozen together in makeshift handcuffs. A big problem, considering she could only diminish her own ice; she couldn't do the same with someone else's. Admittedly, Ice Maker couldn't do it to hers, either, but it was still an issue.

The naga struggled with the ice block for a bit longer, to the Ice Queen's small satisfaction, before giving up. Of course, then Hypnomaster was looking at her, and the snow leopard felt a great deal more worried.

"Well...thisss didn't go quite to plan...but you are both taken care of. Our bosssssessss will be happy enough with that."

"Your -"

"Ah. Not telling." The naga chuckled. "Not that you'll care. Sssssoon, all you'll care about isssss obedience."

"Fat chance."

"Ice Maker, hold her tight..."

The snow leopard growled, but before she could close her eyes, Ice Maker pulled her head back, his fingers holding her eyes wide open. She was forced to stare straight ahead as the naga woman leaned forward, her eyes starting to spin in the traditional spirals of a hypnotic snake.

"Ssssoon, you will sssubmit. You will be ourssss."

Gritting her teeth as hard as she could, the Ice Queen fought the encroaching mental influence as much as she could. As experienced as she was, she could feel it worming its way down into her brain, traveling through the nerves that connected her eyes and brain. However, no matter how much she struggled, she could feel its inexorable progress. It was like a slow caress inside her head, followed by a firm pushing, like a parent guiding a child to a room.

The naga chuckled, her hands pressing against the snow leopard's cheeks, rubbing them and squeezing them.

"Sssssubmit to me....become issss your fate."


"You're already breaking...jusssst give in...You know you want it..."

And the horrible part was, she did. Or at least, the naga's eyes were making her want it. She struggled, but even her free legs could do nothing. Every time she kicked back, all she got was a grunt from the polar bear, and of late, even that wasn't doing anything. He was completely still, a statue that bound her in place as her mind was assaulted by the naga's vision.

She was fading, and all she could think of was how she was utterly screwed. She'd failed, and in front of her sidekick, too. This could not get any -

The Ice Queen yelped as she was suddenly dropped, and then jumped over. Groaning at the impact, she looked up to see the Ice Maker punching his partner in the face. She stared, wide-eyed, before looking about. There was nobody else around, nobody that might have come in at the last minute. And the Ice Maker would never betray her. So -

Oh, you clever son of a bitch, she thought as she looked at the wolven icicle. Bits and pieces of his snowy prison were breaking apart, floating away, but inside, he was grinning as he stared at the polar bear. Not just telekinesis, but mind control? You never told me -

Quiet. Working.

She shook her head, turning back to the fighting pair. The naga had been pinned, and then frozen with the polar bear's powers. Knowing how good the Ice Maker was, she knew that the Hypnomaster would be under ice for a good few hours without damage. Which meant that she would be safe, and since the other guy was controlled...

Just because she couldn't dissolve the polar bear's ice didn't mean that she couldn't fight it. Getting to her feet, the snow leopard walked to the icicle that Studley was trapped in, and channeled a blast of her ice - having to do it from behind, with her hands still restrained - at a weak point. It shattered the whole thing, and freed her sidekick, who gasped for breath.

" long were you thinking of leaving me in there?"

"Well, if I could snap these handcuffs on my own, I was thinking forever, but as I still need a good brute, mind breaking these?"


He pulled her arms to the sides, and she winced as she felt her bones strain at the thick ice. She rubbed her hands together, shaking her head before looking at the polar bear.

"So, how long have you been able to do that?"

"Reliably? A couple of days."

"And unreliably?"

"...a month?"

"And you didn't tell me?"

"Hey, would you tell me if you got a new power?"

"Just before I used it on you, so, YES!"

He blushed, but she was already looking over at the polar bear again. It had been some time since she'd done anything with the Ice Maker, and she didn't mean fighting him. A long while back, they'd been something of a thing. Regardless of the villain/hero thing, they tended to get together, simply because of their similar powers. That'd stopped a while back, admittedly, but...

"Got a good grip on him?"


"Good. Let's have some fun before we call the authorities."

The End