Chapter 2: Moving in
Hiyo all! Second story now. I've managed to make this 1 a little bit longer than the first chapter. Let me know what you think and hope you enjoy it. And ofcourse, this story is the love life between 2 males, dont like it, dont read...
Chapter 1: The Start of our Lives Together.
This is my first story on Sofurry. Both the main characters in this story are gay so if you don't like that, don't read it. If you do, read on and i hope you enjoy it. Dashing about feverishly, I grabbed my wallet and keys from the table and...
Promises to a Friend Chapter 1
Heya all! I know i've not posted a story for a while, but ive been under sooooooooooooooo much stress lately T\_T hopefully its all sorted now, but i wont hold my breath XD Anyways, this is a new story i'm gunna be writing. Im writing it from...
Promise's to a Friend Chapter 2
Hey all, second chapter done ^\_^ \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* Promises Kept Silver was almost a completely changed fur. Since making his promise to Danny, he became obsessed with school work, ensuring it was always in on...