Promises to a Friend Chapter 1

Story by Dizzydazy on SoFurry

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#1 of Promises to a Friend

Heya all! I know i've not posted a story for a while, but ive been under sooooooooooooooo much stress lately T_T hopefully its all sorted now, but i wont hold my breath XD Anyways, this is a new story i'm gunna be writing. Im writing it from experiences, memories and influences from all my closest friends, so although there are only 2 main characters, they gunna be based around myself and my close friends. Anyways, this is my new series "Promises to a Friend" and i hope you enjoy it :P


Promises Made Jumping a little at the miserable blare of his alarm clock, Silver flicked the switch, silencing the din. It had interrupted a recurring dream of his; freedom from his oppressive life. Sighing and resigning that it was only a dream and all it ever was going to be, Silver slumped out of bed, groaning at the bleak mess of his room. Books and clothes lay sprawled all over the floor. Pulling clothes at random from the pile, Silver trudged into the bathroom to get ready for school again. He didn't really know why he bothered anymore. He had stopped doing the work a long time ago. The only reason he could think of was it just gave him something to do for the day rather than be stuck at home with his abusive father. Stepping into the shower, Silver sighed contently as the warm water splashed against his crisp brown and black fur. After a quick shower and drying off, Silver studied his reflection. His deep brown eyes inherited from his mother were the only thing he liked of what he saw. His mum, a beautiful, white German Shepard died when Silver was young from illness. His father, also a German Shepard had never got over the grief of losing her and often channelled that grief through Silver, finding ways to blame her death on him. His father also used the knowledge that his son was gay to belittle him as much as possible, saying he was useless and worthless. Silver was used to this now, 12 years of constant abuse somehow became normal. After finally dressing, Silver grabbed the books head needed, throwing them into his sling back and walked out the house as quietly as he could. He had got up earlier today so as to avoid his dad, he wasn't in the mood right now to be told he was pathetic; he was beginning to feel it was true. The sun was just starting to rise on this cool spring morning as he stepped out, slowly walking his way to school. Although school wasn't much better than home, as he was bullied a lot for being gay, Silver liked to read in the library when he had the chance. Reading was one of Silver's few ways of forgetting his life and living someone else's, wishing dearly it has his. After a few minutes of walking, the school came into view. Footpad High was a school centred mostly around sports, so there were a lot of jocks in it, otherwise else it was quite the same as any other high school. Those jocks were usually the ones that took advantage of Silver, very few people wanting to hang around with someone who was such a common target of the well-built jocks. The school was usually opened pretty early for the student who wanted to come in early to get on with school work, or work out in the school gym. Silver kept his head low and headed straight for the library, knowing that was the last place he was going to find any jocks. He sincerely doubted half of them had even picked up a book in their life save for the countless PlayBunny magazines kept in their lockers. The librarian, an owl who looked older than most the books in the library slumped behind her desk, looking bleary eyed. Smiling, Silver passed her to the fiction section, pulling out a book at random, finding a chair to settle down and start reading. Silver didn't mind what book he had taken so long as it was a fiction book. Half-way into his book the school bell rung, signalling the start of school hours. Sighing, Silver made a mental note of the book and page he had read up to, hoping to come back and finish it before putting the book back and heading to his first lesson. Not really looking where he was going, Silver accidently bumped into Drew, a Doberman and one of the larger, nastier jocks. "Watch where your fucking going faggot!" growled Drew shoving Silver hard against the wall. Wincing at the impact and quickly flattening his ears to his head, Silver ran as quickly as he could before Drew could do inflict any more pain. Drew was captain of the sports team, and so was kind of thought as the alpha dog round the school, and his favourite target was Silver. Of course Drew would tease or torment anyone he felt was 'weak' or 'inadequate' and he was always quick to remind Silver of this. Finally arriving at first lesson, Silver took his usual seat at the back of the class, far apart from everyone and began the long tedious school day he knew it was going to be. After two uneventful lessons, and three torment filled lessons with Drew, whispering torment at Silver and taking the occasional cheap shot at him while the teacher had their back turned, Silver was relieved to finally hear the school bell. Gathering his things quickly, Silver dashed out the class and made his way out, wanting to escape Drew before him and his jocks all met up. Walking through the front door, Silver was greeted with the usual insults but shrugged them off, no longer caring. All he cared about right now was getting onto his computer and seeing if his one friend in life was online. Only one person is his life had ever shown him any friendship at all. Silver had found some of his art on a forum and left a comment, not even expecting a reply. However, the artist added him on instant messenger within the hour, showing Silver friendship he had stopped believing people could even show him. Danny, a husky a little older than himself had insisted on becoming close friends with Silver. Danny had always been there for him when Silver was at his lowest, Danny always seemed to know what to say to make him smile. After signing on, Silver was relieved to see Danny was online, and immediately opened a conversation. Silver: Hey Dan Danny: Heya beautiful Dan always greeted Silver like this, and it never failed to make him blush. Danny: Howz you today? Silver: Eh... Usual, abuse, bullying, same old y'know Danny: Eh... Tell them all to go fuck, your better than all of them and you know that Silver: Thanks Dan... Whats new with you? Danny: Nothing much, I got my latest pay check today, got a decent amount of money saved up now Silver: Better than me... I don't have any money... Danny: No, instead you've got something better, great looks :P Silver: Naaah... I'm really not Danny: Naaaaaaaah... you really are :P Silver: Im not, your just saying that coz you know it makes me smile Danny: Im saying it because it's the truth and I mean it, and besides, I want to make a deal with you Silver cocked his head at reading this. Danny had never made a deal with him before. Silver: A deal? Danny: Yes a deal. You promise me that you will put more effort into your school work and get a decent grade for the first time in like... ever? X3 Silver: Haha, and what do I get in return for this impossiblilty? Danny: Should this 'impossibility' become possible X3 I will come and visit you in the summer Silver froze. He stared at the last sentence over and over again. Danny had never joked about anything this serious before, yet it seemed too good to be true. Danny: Silver? You there? Silver: Are you serious? Danny: Yes, very serious, but only if you promise to get anything higher than a Fail this term, ok? Silver: You mean you will actually waste your money on a trip to see someone as pathetic as me? Danny: Firstly, your not pathetic. Secondly, it will not be a waste, and thirdly, its my decision what I spend the money I've been saving since we met on :P Silver was in a state of shock. He had dreamed, often mused at the idea of Danny coming to visit, but never in his deepest desires did he ever think it would come true. Danny: So, you get the grades, and I'll get my furry butt down there. Deal? Silver: Are you sure? I mean, wasting your money just to see me..? Danny: I've already said its not wasting, now promise me you will try hard in school? Silver: Ok, but please, if you are being serious, promise me you will visit me... Danny: I promise you Silver, I will do everything possible to come and see you as soon as I can, so long as you keep your end of the promise though ;) Silver: Ok... I promise that I will make more of an effort in school... Danny: Brilliant! *hugs and kisses* Now, I've got to go sort out a few things, stay happy Silver, and don't forget to study :P x <Danny is now offline> Silver couldn't believe what had happened. It had all happened so fast, he had to re-read the chat to make sure he had read it right. But there was no mistaking it, Danny was going to visit him. He was really going to go through all this effort to meet him. Hugging himself tightly, tears of happiness welling up in his glistening brown eyes, Silver began to smile for the first time in what had seemed years.


I know its a little short, but hey, its a story starter XD And dont bother telling my that some of the grammer is wrong in the chat, its internet chat, it doesnt need to be good grammer XD seriously, who types on msn with perfect grammer? x3

Anyways, thanks for reading ^^ x