Silly Little Ash (Pokemon Story)

Who ever said being a Pokemon was easy? NOTHING is ever easy, and thats the truth. You think Superman found it easy lifting that meteor away from the earth? NO! In his mind he was saying things like "HOLY HELL THIS IS HEAVY!". Just because he has super...

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Tempest: Chapter 2 - Black Out

Chapter 2 - Black Out Demodo\* My ears came to life before my eyes did. I heard a crackling not to far from me, almost like a fire. But that was all I could pick up, which was odd. Was this what hell sounded like? Is that where I ended? Probably what...

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Tempest: Chapter 1 - Carried Away

Chapter 1 - Carried Away Run! Run faster! Trees brushed past me as I ran through miles of woods. My legs were burning, screaming out in exhaustion. But I wouldn't stop, I couldn't stop. My eyes glanced up at the red sky, clouds have seemed to soak up...

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Chaos from Order: As the Dawn Arrives (Ch.1)

Chapter 1: As the Dawn Arrives My eyes shot open with excitement, my tail beginning to wag with excitement. I jumped up and ran out the door. The sun's light was relentless at first, but even it could not compete against with the suspense in them....

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